Post treatment MRI scan

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  • 40 subscribers

Hi All, I have just had my post MRI scan and now fifteen weeks post treatment. The oncologist called me yesterday and said the results are being delayed and may have to wait up to three weeks for the results! I told her I would ring back in about a week to ten days to see if they have any information they can give me. It’s awful that it’s back to the waiting game again. I have certainly had a journey like most ladies here and I think the fissures were the worst and you feel this is forever. To reassure some of us on here I was struggling with bowel movements pain and going up to seven times a day which has now reduced to around twice in the morning and possibly one in the evening. I am so much better in myself and starting to feel somewhat normal and enjoy life again. Now I think after all this battering of our bodies we can recover. I have a varied diet but do not drink alcohol yet but never really been a one for it anyway and eat plenty of vegetables and whole meal breads. I came off the movicol and now take physillium husk powder one teaspoon in morning and evening with a large glass of water which helps bulk and prevent constipation. I struggled with chronic fatigue and low moods about four weeks ago but gradually building up my walking again which is helping my moods. My GP said she wished she could prescribe ramblers on prescription for her patients in some cases. I am not ready to go back to ramblers as I am not quite confident with being able to walk for several hours with not toilet in site. Hopefully that will come in the near future. Yes I feel I have a future and keeping my fingers crossed for good results from the scan. I wish all of you on here the very best in your treatments and recovery like I am experiencing. X

  • Hi ,

     I agree the wait for scan results etc., never gets any easier, 3+ years post treatment although I don’t get quite so uptight I do still feel pretty anxious when I’m waiting for results!! 

    It’s great to hear you’re feeling much better physically & mentally, this journey can be as harrowing psychologically as it is physically. It’s always encouraging for others newly diagnosed or freshly out of treatment to read posts such as yours so thanks for the update. I hope your improvements continue as I’m sure they will. 


  • Hi  it’s good to hear you’re doing so well and reassuring for others who are going through treatment. I really hate the wait for results, at 2 years post-treatment I still find it difficult, particularly in the week before the results are due. Two years on, the anxiety surrounding itching, pain and a bit of bleeding now and again has lessened but the anxiety surrounding any new aches and pains is still there. Hopefully it will lessen in time. I will keep my fingers crossed for your results Bev x

  • Thank you Nicola and Bev. When I first joined this group I was so frightened of what would happen to me and this site was a godsend for information and could always guarantee you both would respond with some reassuring comments. X

  • Hi Jaycee12, the wait for these results is excruciating. I really feel for you. It’s hard not to attribute every single twinge and unknown to what we’ve been through (as you will have seen from my last posts on here). Be kind to yourself. Do whatever takes your mind off it even just for a little while.

    Even though I’ve had my all clear (for now)  I have a detailed MRI booked for November. Because although the PET scan shows what they call  a complete response. There is still some tiny residual activity in the site of my main tumour but this is apparently perfectly normal. An MRI will give a much more detailed view. So it’s anot her wait but I feel quietly confident even with the aches and pains and the fact I still can’t sit down properly on my left side! Still I idea why and onco looking into it.  

    Like Nicola says we will have many scans to come. But hopefully whilst they might cause us some anxiety they will also bring us good news.  am I right in thinking it’s the first year to two years that are the most important? After that our odds shoot up and hopefully we can worry less? 

    Hang in there darling and maybe plan some things you love to do or watch a long box set you can lose yourself in. It all adds up to while away the days and hours. My husband was concerned about how much television I watched until I said it’s mindless stuff that distracts me for hours. I need it so I can give my brain a rest!!! Even just a trot around the garden or just around the corner with my dachshund helped (never far from a loo!). And if I’m honest I took the precaution of wearing those dreaded tena lady pants! Oh god… they’re awful but the sense of safety is worth it!!! And no one knows but you. At first they made me cry, I thought oh goodness this is my life at 51. Now I can stick them on and walk to the woods with my dog on a good day. 

    And we are here to chat to and distract you too! 
    M x 

  • Prettypinkroses thank you for your lovely reply. My oncologist is phoning me Thursday lunchtime so keeping my fingers firmly crossed for good news. Will keep you all informed x

  • Hi All, just an update on my MRI scan results. There isn’t any yet. The oncologist rang to say there is a delay with the scan results which are taking up to four weeks to get them! Today is the tenth day of waiting so have to be patient which is extremely stressful. I suppose the good thing is no news is good news. I feel so well so it would have been icing on the cake to hear the NED words. I wonder if other hospitals are also struggling with these results like Addenbrookes?

  • Hi  that is so frustrating for you. It really is horrible having to wait for results and having the delay added to is, like you say, very stressful. I wonder what the reason for the delay is in obtaining the results and whether it is just your hospital. Hang on in there and try and distract yourself with things you enjoy doing, I know, it’s much easier said than done isn’t it! Bev x

  • HI Jaycee. I am so sorry that you are having to wait so long for your results. It really is very stressful, I know. Try and keep as busy and occupied as you can so the time goes quicker. It works for me! It's great to hear that you are feeling so well and hopefully this is a good indication that all is well. I had an MRI 10 days ago and have not had any results but did not expect to as my oncology appointment isn't until the 28 Oct. I also just received a text asking me to go for a PET scan next week, which I wasn't expecting. Do you know if you will be having one of these scans as well? Like you, I have been feeling well so let's hope it's good news for us both. Look forward to hearing how you get on. Serena x

  • Hi Serena, to answer your question regarding the PET scan, no I haven’t been asked yet to go in and have one. I know someone who had the same treatment from a different hospital who only had the MRI scan so maybe it depends on which hospital you go to? Whatever they do you just start to wonder why, don’t you? It must be a good sign if you feel well. My only thing I wish was better is the bowel movements which are still a bit sore but nothing compared to what it was like when everything is inflamed. The oncologist said it should continue to improve. Fingers crossed! I would say a month ago I was wondering if I would ever feel like I did before all this and always felt pressure when I started walking but have to say that has much improved. I feel like I have a future and feeling positive at the moment and hope for the both of us and all the posters on here the best with their results. Julie x

  • Hi Jaycee. It sounds as if you are gradually getting there and I think it does take some time before the bowel movements get better. I am having diarrhea every day and it makes me get sore too. But I am back to working full time and enjoying a good social life so things are so much better than before. Yes I think we need to be positive and be thankful for having this chance for a future. I do hope you don't have to wait too much longer for your results. Serena x