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well not sure how i feel last 8 weeks have been  had a colonoscopy and a biopsies  which thy said suggested anal cancer had scan after scan ct scan showed no spread MRI did not show the cancer because it is small but showed a small firm  but mobile plaque like lesion in the anorectal  junction but he done a sigmoidoscopy and said it just represented a small amount of stool adherent to the bowl or indeed one of the folds in the lining  of  the bowl but had anal cancer so had a pet scan last week and got appointment to oncology  clinic on the 29th june but been here before when i had breast cancer 9 years ago but only had to have radiation so not looking forward to having cemo as well 

  • Hi and welcome to the group although I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis.  It's good news that the CT scan showed no evidence of spread.  Your scan results and the PET results will be considered by  health care professionals at a multi-disciplinary meeting (MDT). A treatment plan will be decided upon and you will be consulted in relation to that. 

    Treatment depends on the staging of the cancer. Some larger cancers may require surgery. In the UK, treatment is usually chemo and radiotherapy. The chemo  involves  a one off short infusion of mitomycin administered intravenously on day one of treatment, followed by 8 tablets of Capecitabine a day for 5.5 weeks, Monday to Friday.   This chemo is usually tolerated very well.  Some areas of the UK provide 5 days chemo administered via a pump in week one and then again in week five, instead of the Capecitabine tablets. 

    Radiotherapy is also carried out for 5.5 weeks Monday to Friday.  The sessions are only short, maximum of 10 minutes but there's waiting time and getting dressed/undressed but you will of course be familiar with that due to your previous experience.

    There's lots of people in this group at all different stages of treatment and recovery. Please ask if you have any questions at all. We have lots of experiences and tips to share.  Nothing is too personal to ask.  Bev 

  • thank you for your reply just needed to vent living by myself and having no one to talk to  i do have my son who i see weekends and who as taken  me for my scans but can not explain to him how i feel and how my anxiety is not to good  every appointment it gets worse just wont to start  my treatment and get it over with 

  • Hi  I can honestly say this is the worst time, the waiting around before treatment starts is awful. Once I had a treatment plan in place and a start date I felt more in control. Better still is actually starting treatment, it gives you something to focus on.  Always come on here to vent, it’s what we’re here for. I didn’t talk to family either and hadn’t discovered this group until after treatment ended. I really wish I had know about it before. It’s invaluable to talk to people who have actually been through the same thing. Bev 

  • Hi pelma, I remember how you must be feeling and I know how stressful and overwhelming the whole time was. Sounds like if they do find something with the pet scan it should be early and manageable. Best thing I can say is hang on in there. Use the community here as they are so great with lots of people understanding where you are at. As soon as the diagnosis is clear and treatment plan in place you will feel more grounded. Take care. Dx