Menopause after chemo

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Hi I start my treatment for stage 1 anal tumour on Monday having chemo and radiotherapy for 5 weeks. I met with my cancer nurse today to go through everything and she mentioned that one likely side effect would be menopause being brought on and that I would in all likelihood need hrt. I even asked how likely this would be and she said very. While it is probably the least of my worries it was a bit of a shock. Any folks been through treatment - did you go straight into menopause? Just felt it is a long term side effect I wasn’t aware of. I’m 50 so it’s not like it wasn’t coming down the road soon anyway but I am not peri menopausal and had my last child 3 years ago. 

  • Hi ,

    I was just turned 53 & peri menopausal when I went into treatment & it brought everything to an abrupt halt! I suffered awful night sweats prior to treatment & pmt but since I’ve had little to no menopausal symptoms at all, the odd tropical moment but it’s gone as quick as it arrives. This all occurs I should imagine due to the radiation fallout in the pelvis. 


  • Thanks Nikki good to hear it worked out for you. It just came as a bit of a shock today.  Now I need to read up about menopause!!!

  • Hi Dougalandpoppy

    I was 46 when I had treatment and went into the menopause within  about 6 months of treatment. I had a lot of nightsweats and hot flushes for around 8 months and did one of those pee on a stick tests to double check it was menopause and it was.  After the 8 months it all stopped quite abruptly and my consultant said yep that's probably it now. So all over very quickly. They did suggest HRT but I managed without and am just taking vitamins to keep up the calcium and vitamin D levels. I was very surprised by how quickly it all happened! 

    Deb x 

  • Thanks Deb, I hadn’t quite realised this was a side effect so was a bit shocked today but realise it’s just part of the cancer journey and anything that gets me better has to be worth it. 

  • Hello, 

    I was 51 when diagnosed and already had some peri menopausal symptoms(night sweats) . 
    my periods halted half way through treatment and never returned! Initially I struggled with flushes etc but I bought a ladycare magnet(Amazon) which is discreet and wear it 24/7 and the flushes are now almost away! 
    also took sage tablets daily as I read these help. Maybe best wait till after treatment till you do anything but I was told to avoid hrt and find these natural things help ! 
    good luck with treatment and it will be a distant memory very soon.PrayCall meKissing heartxxxxxxx 

  • Thanks LC. Having got my head round the approach for tackling the cancer will now need to do some serious menopause reading up. Friends swear by the lady magnet I know. More female health Joy! 

  • Hey lovely.  I am 49 and periods stopped immediately after radiotherapy and am seeing Gynecologist due to the severe vaginal stenosis & extra smears due to high levels of HPV as my tumor was on the wall anal/vagina and he says I am in full.menopuase and no way we wouldn't be after that amount of radiation.     I have managed without HRT so far but have bad migraines and he said only concern  might be in future is pelvic bones are prone to breaking so might need HRT for that.    But so far no mood swings except very tearful but I thong that's just post cancer in general.    Good.luck xxx

  • Thanks and good to hear your experience thanks for sharing. Oh the joys!!