Itching after going to the toilet 7 months post treatment

  • 5 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi all. I'm 7 months post treatment and have been following this forum for a while but never had the courage to comment.I firstly has a stage 1 which was operated out and then 7 months later reappeared which I noticed through itching  and a lump and went and had it checked and then went through the chemo radiotherapy process. Since my treatment I have been feeling fine and at my last checkup in November there was no sign of the cancer and I was very pleased. About a week ago my anus started itching again. I did a check but cant feel any lumps all smooth this time but this has driven me mad all week and have been doing sitz baths as well and is calming down a bit. I have my next check up in two weeks but it's driving me mad. Have any of you had anything like this? 

  • Hi Doroni

    I'm sorry I can't answer your question you are further down the line than me, but understand this must be worrying. I would imagine the skin in the area is still quite sensitive so maybe irritated by something else. I know you say you have a check up in two weeks but if it was me I would ring and speak to someone at the hospital. Hopefully someone will pick up your post who can help. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Hi Doroni,

    Im sorry about your itching and can only say how much I sympathise. I understand how awful it is as well as embarrassing.

     I finished treatment mid November and have awful itching. I spoke to the Consultant about it on 8th January as was driving me bonkers and he thought it was mainly due to the skin being very sensitive but also prescribed some oestrogen gel. This hadn’t really helped as the itching is both front and back as it were so am going to check out again and will report back if I gain any pointers.

     I’m sorry I can’t offer any advice at this stage other than you are not alone with this. Can you contact your team prior to your next check up?

    Welcome to the forum too and glad you have felt able to reach out as there is a wealth of experience here and others may be able to advise.

    Wishing you well xx

  • Hello Doroni

    I am so glad you have posted and I do hope you now that you have you won't worry about doing so again.  And a belated welcome to the forum!

    Itching is just the worst - I didn't have any during or after treatment but I suffer from all sorts of allergies and on one memorable occasion took a rough hairbrush to my legs.  Fortunately you can't do that to your back passage and using the Sitzbath is a good idea.  Have you tried taking any antihistamines?  Some have found that helps with the itching that often comes after treatment.  I would mention it when you go for your check-up too, not that I think there is anything wrong but they might prescribe something a bit stronger.

    Good luck with your checkup and I hope everything calms down too.

    Irene xx

  • Hi   & welcome to the MacMillan Online Community. 

    I agree with Irene about the antihistamines, I had itching during my treatment & Piriton helped a lot. There’s a lot of changes with the skin after radiotherapy, mine used to get quite rashy, my colorectal surgeon & my oncologist both said it was akin to baby’s skin & that it was like nappy rash. If it’s still an issue give your oncologist a call & see if they would like to see you any earlier or if they’re happy to wait for your scheduled appointment. 

    I hope you find some relief soon & your check up goes well. 


  • Thank you Irene. The sitz bath is the one thing I did get after treatment and it really helped then. I have used it yesterday and today so hoping it does the trick.