Tooth extraction:

  • 10 replies
  • 37 subscribers


My Treatment is due to start next week on the 8th January.

In early November I tried to get a dentist appointment with no luck, despite requesting an urgent appointment.

I’ve seen the dentist today who has advised me to have an extraction.

I’m diabetic and infection is a real concern after extraction, and, I guess during treatment if I do not get it removed.

I cannot get hold of anyone in my oncology service for advice. All answerphones.

My dilemma is whether I have the extraction now and risk delay to starting treatment or wait until after treatment.

I’m not asking for advice. Just wondering if anyone  has had experience of either having the extraction before and delaying treatment or going into treatment with a dodgy tooth?


  • Hi! 
    I had the same dilemma before I started my treatment. I spoke to my Macmillan nurse and he advised me to wait. He said my immune system would be compromised so not a good idea. My dental problem was not an emergency and I had no pain, that may not be the case with you though.

    All the very best with your treatment.

    Happyflower x

  • Hello LCraig

    I am really sorry you can't get hold of anyone, I am really surprised that no one has called you back.  My case is slightly different, I had a mole on my buttock (which turned out to be nothing) removed prior to starting treatment.  A couple of weeks later after apparently healing well the incision literally burst open, so the chemo had definitely affected the healing process.  And I don't have diabetes.  A tooth extraction (depending on which tooth) can take up to two weeks to heal.

    In the meantime, I would keep trying the hospital.

    The best of luck in whatever you decide. 

    Irene xx

  •  Hi   ,

    I did finally get an answer by going through to the medical secretary. The Specialist Nurse also finally got back to me but too late to make a decision on that day. I realised I need to chill a little and remember these are busy people and I am not their only patient. Everyone deserves their time.

    Surprisingly the recommendation all round, including from Cancer Research UK was to get it taken out. I think this was because I had grumbling pain and it may have needed taking out during treatment because of the damage Chemo can cause to teeth.

    It went well yesterday, my dentist is excellent and it was helped by him having a new dog playing outside the French Doors of the treatment room.

    I no have no pain and have a dose of antibiotics to get me tidied up for the 8th.

    I hope you are all doing well today. I am expecting snow so a great excuse to lay in front of the TV and also read for pleasure.

    Thank you for your responses, this is a great forum.

  • So pleased you’ve got sorted  . I’ve always had decent, strong teeth that besides a couple of superficial fillings have never needed much work in years passed but since my treatment I’ve had an extraction due to decay under a filling (could have gone down the root canal line but it wasn’t guaranteed to work so just bit the bullet & had it pulled). I’ve the same happening in another tooth but that one’s been saved & I have another molar that has literally crumbled! It seems very coincidental that all this has kicked off since my diagnosis & treatment. 


  • Delighted to hear it is all resolved, and no toothache!

    Irene xx

  • Diabetes has been the main problem with my teeth.

    After this extraction my dentist told me, that I could bank on either needing fillings, having gum infections or losing more teeth due to the treatment. He’s such a happy chappie!!! Joy

  • Oh!! That must have cheered you right up then Joy


  • Hi  ,

    Your experience with your teeth since you ended your treatment is what my dentist warned me about. He said it is highly likely I may need further extractions and fillings. He’s a happy chappie my dentist, always has something positive to say Joy.

    I hope your teeth settle down and what you have experienced so far is the end of your problems.

  • Hi  ,

    Oh dear i realised i have just repeated myself and this is before I have even started my treatment Dizzy faceDizzy.

  • Hi  , Happy flower,

    The advice you got was the advice I thought I would get.

    Maybe diabetes comes with different advice and my tooth was grumbling. My dentist said he thought it would delay my treatment. Obviously the Oncologist thinks differently. Here’s hoping the expert is right. x