What’s comes after 1st chemo radiation treatment

  • 7 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi everyone 

I hope all is going ok with everyone…

does anyone in this group have stage 2 with one lymph node had only chemo radiation treatment? 

was it successful after just this treatment ?
what are your experiences after just having this treatment?

Or did they make plans for anything else after this?

I know each case is individual. I have my results post treatment appointment coming up on 14th and I’m just trying to get my head round if she’s going to say it’s still there etc 

I really don’t think I could physically and mentally do anymore treatment, it’s been so difficult and the hardest 3 months of my life. 

thank you xx

  • Hi lovely x so understand your question and situation -  I remember we are in similar position with T2 & lymph but scan end of October and mid November Consultant!  I am very worried about whether it’s gone or not too!  I was told I we are goi g for a cure so try to keep fixed on that! However I don't know how I will react if have to do treatment all over again - worst thought but we want to live!  Sending positive love and hugs x Angie x 

  • Hi angie 

    thank you for your reply, I am 7 weeks post treatment and had my scans last week. They’re very on the ball down here in Surrey so I’ve been quite lucky with that side of things. 
    how are you feeling after the treatment? It’s been crazy hasn’t it and I can’t believe I’ve made it out the other side. The only thing i have left to deal with is the itching, it’s drives me insane!! Oh and my appetite is terrible! 
    my lady bits etc feel different too. My body doesn’t feel the same. 

    I read somewhere that you can’t have radiation in the same place twice…? 
    I can definitely see and feel a difference in my lymph node, it used to be raised but it’s not now. So hoping that’s a good sign. 

    I can’t bare the waiting game, I broke down bad the other day cos it triggered me off, like it was back at the start again, fear of the unknown and not knowing what’s going on.

  • Hi AsLu,

    Yes, I am the same as you and had chemoradiation treatment although my diagnosis was three years ago.

    I am fine so far. I am still seen by the oncologist every four months, although  I think I go on to six monthly checks soon. I've been told I am finished with scans etc and now he just checks my lymph nodes and does a rectal check. I am still a bit anxious before each appointment.

    It sounds like you had a really tough time, but hopefully you are beginning to heal a little. It is usually a very effective treatment, and you will feel better once you have had that check on 14th.

    I'll be thinking about you then. Let us know how it goes.

  • Hi - breaking down is on as it has been hard to control - currently on day 11 of no panic / tears for the first time since the beginning of July.  I am in Kent and get a scan at 3 months post treatment (currently on week 9) so end of Oct!  I would love to have a scan sooner and keeping everything crossed for you!  Also a friend reminded me about bachs rescue remedy - off to get it tomorrow as used to use for calming - might be worth a try x Angie x 

  • Hi , 

    im 15 weeks post treatment but won’t have answers for another couple of months as I have the anal cancer stage 2 but have cysts in my rectal space that are malignant too .. I think the next stage would be an operation but not sure what it entails .. my anxiety really bad because my oncologist saying it is mega rare and most have never seen it !!!

    Keep positive 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hi Angie,

    I believe they like to leave a decent gap between treatment and scans because the radiation treatment carries on working even after it's finished, so things need to settle down before scan can give an accurate result. 

  • Hello AsLu24

    Firstly - and not because I think that the treatment hasn't worked - radiotherapy isn't done on the same area again (to my knowledge).  If you were ever to need further treatment, unless it was a rogue lymph node not included in the first radiotherapy it wouldn't happen.

    The scanxiety is very real and unfortunately it is something we all live with between scans.  I am slightly better now, two and a half years since last treatment but I still can feel myself getting more and more tense and developing all these odd symptoms as a scan date draws near.

    You are absolutely right, the treatment is ferocious and hold onto the thought that for most it is successful.

    Big hug

    Irene xx