Did I read on here that someone said the bowels is the last to heal!???

  • 3 replies
  • 38 subscribers


so I am about 4 weeks post treatment now and everything is healed apart from the anus which didn’t bother me all the way through treatment. 
I have unbelievable itching and irritation all day and night is the worst! sore bottom after bowel movements. 

I have all the lotion and potions but I was wondering if anyone else had the same and how long it went on for post treatment? 

  • Hello AsLu24

    For me, having a bowel movement was still like passing broken glass nine weeks after treatment - sorry.  But then it gradually eased.  However, you may be much better very soon, we all recover at different rates.  I didn't have itching and you have my sympathy, you can't escape an itch.  There are others on here that have had extreme itching during the healing process but I can't remember what they used but what ever it was helped, so I am hoping they will pick up on your post and advise.

    Gentle hug

    Irene xx

  • Hi aslu24 yes I had the itching and tried antihistamines. Yes I had all the itch creams and also use domeboro powders which you dissolve and soak a cloth in it and just lay it on your parts to help calm down the skin. I have anal stenosis so used tamanu oil to massage the scarred skin to help with bowel movements which sometimes caused me to tear (fissures) which can itch like crazy!


  • Same for me , Im about 4 weeks post treatment and although all my burns have healed I get random sharp pains in my bum hole and itching mainly at nighttime. I dont have any potions or lotions and hoping it settles but I will mention at my review in a few weeks if its still happening.

    the itching is bloody annoying and keeps me awake