Diagnosis update

  • 3 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hello again

today I got the results from my scans. My cancer (anal cancer diagnosed on 14 August) had spread to my pelvis & lymph nodes up up my neck. They don’t think it’s in any major organs and still calling it treatable. I have an appointment with the specialist tomorrow morning to discuss treatment plan. Likely yo be just radiotherapy not chemo. To say I’m scared is an understatement, my husband and family are reeling. I don’t know what to think or feel. They call it stage 4 but say it can be treated. Not really sure what that means. Sorry for the rambling post, just needed to get this down 


  • Hi I would wait till your oncologist discusses your treat.ent plan I know its a shock which is an understatement and you will be feeling every emotion I think I wS numb and angry as I had not been taken seriously and the GP thought I was neurotic a.d paranoid bur that's a long story the main thing is you've been diagnosed d this forumshould help aleviate your fears as your sharing with people who are at different stages a.d who have  all been through the different t stages and treatments the main thing g is there treating g you and there are people on the forum.also who are treatable but not curable myself Includeda d I'm sure there will always be someone to ask whatever question so big hugs a d take care xx

  • Hi again  ,

    I’m sad to be reading this, I’m sure you weren’t expecting this news or rather hoping for better news. Having said this, I know it’s going to be really difficult at the moment but try & take the positives in that it’s not in any major organs & the term ‘treatable’ these days covers a lot of ground. Hopefully today will give you more clarity following your appointment this morning. 

    Please remember this is a safe place where you can air your feelings, hopes & fears, we all understand & there is never a need to apologise, sometimes it does just help as you’ve said to get things down.

    We’re here to support you however we can.


  • Hello PoHo

    I am so sorry that this has come as such a shock to you and I can totally empathise.  I also had a stage 4 diagnosis three years ago and I was in such a state of fear I couldn't even answer the phone in case in was the hospital.  It truly was the blackest time, and my heart goes out to you.

    What happens next is important.  When they talk about 'treatable' many people live with cancer that cannot be cured but by various medical methods can more or less carry on with life.  Sometimes (but not always) having one treatment can have such a marked effect in reducing tumours and secondaries that avenues are opened for further interventional treatment.  No oncologist knows exactly how any one person will respond to treatment and it took me some time to realise that.  Also oncologists have differing opinions and I found it quite remarkable how one could be very gloomy and the next very upbeat and positive.  It certainly makes for a rollercoaster of a ride, although I should stress that all during my treatment all were very kind.

    By now you have probably had your appointment so please let us know how you got on.

    Thinking of you and sending a big hug.

    Irene xx