
  • 22 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi all, hope everyone is keeping as well as can be?

So I found out this morning the actual name of my surgery after a phone call

It is a 'salvage APR'

I had to ask about the 'APR' Shrug it's abdomino perineal resection, sounds interesting!

Does anybody have any experience with this type of surgery?

Thanks in advance 

  • Happyforager2

    I am so pleased that everything went well for you and that you have a strong experienced back-up team to help.  Please let us know how your recovery goes.

    Irene xx

  • I wish I had your strength !
    I'm really relieved that your experience was less traumatic than mine and that you didn't have any complications !

    As for food, I was told that as long as my bowel movements were working I could eat whatever I wanted. It's been a year now and I no longer have any problems with bowel movements related to food. I still have a few disorders but they're related to the chemo I’m having.

    (and the stoma thing is actually easy to manage after just a few days home. Only my brain can’t cope with this new componentGrimacing).

    Thanks for your feedback, keep us posted (if you want Blush)

    Thumbsup tone1Muscle tone1xxx