Treatment- Week 1 complete

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  • 42 subscribers

That was fun….. not Cry

All treatment went as planned but I’ve had terrible nausea since Tuesday evening Ive taken the anti sickness which didn’t help.I have to drink 5 cups of water pre radiation it’s making me feel very sorry for myself. The radiotherapy and cns team have been lovely with tips and I have been given another anti sickness to try… today Ive been a little better and managed 4 digestive biscuits… 

So lovely to have a few days off , next week please be kind to mePray

I also ask for flamigel RT on my first day and they gave me a huge tube which Ive started applying. 

Im hoping the mytomycin made me feel sick and is now flushed out my system.

  • Good morning Emz1976 well you have done the biggest hurdle and got through your first week and how important those two for days become as the weeks go by. Almost a treat to us. Luckily I didn’t suffer the nausea or it may have been the pills they automatically give you. Ginger biscuits are supposed to help or you could try just sucking on ice lollies which are ideal in this heat. You were very lucky they gave you a large tube on the first week. I asked for some and they refused and said they give it to you when the skin starts to get sore! Then when they did eventually give me some it was no bigger than a tube of toothpaste and that’s being generous. I don’t think they had many anal cancers or just tight with resources. What happened to prevent rather than treat afterwards. Drink plenty of water as around this time your bladder can become irritated or drink lots of cranberry juice. I hope all goes smoothly next week.


  • Persevere I took the anti sickness tablets and they worked I also took mh own water and put lemon slices in which made the water nicer hope you fell better soon like you day you have the weekend off xx

  • Oh Emz1076

    I am sorry the nausea medication didn't work, I am pleased your treating team are on the ball with trying something else.  I was really lucky in that I didn't suffer from nausea which is so debilitating.  I remember drinking the water - I was given a bottle with the required amount marked and I could drink it as my husband was driving to the hospital so that I was ready to go straight in when I arrived.  One time my bladder wasn't full enough and I had to drink more and it came from the chiller dispenser, it gave me an instant headache above my eye it was so cold!

    You are totally entitled to feel sorry for yourself, I always think everyone who goes through this (although there is little choice) is so brave.  Just mark off those days!

    Irene xx

  • Hi Emma,

    Sorry to read that you’ve had a rough start, mine was the same to but things have settled down now and I’m managing a lot better, I think the Mytomycin initially made me very unwell, I’m coping a lot better now on the oral chemo tablets.

    i’m finding the days are being ticked off quite quickly and I hope this will be the case for you, it’s lovely to have the weekend without any treatment, or tablets to take. Just think this will one day just be a distant memory for us! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, take care. 

    Best wishes from Adele. Xxx

  • Hi Adele

    Im hoping its the mytomycin that made me feel so rough as I have a family member also on the chemo tablets and not had any issues. 

    I’ve ordered in a bunch of shopping to see if my tastebuds like anything…. 

    I think my poor body is in shock as Im a chocoholic and not touch any for 5 days 

    Have you just finished week 3 ? 

    Keep pushing through

    Emma x

  • My first lot of chemo made me nauseous and food tasted weird for about 2 weeks afterwards, but was fine after that. I kept ginger biscuits by my bed to nibble on and just accepted that nothing was going to taste quite right. Hopefully it will improve for you soon xx

  • Hi Emma, 

    On Tuesday I’ll be halfway through, so I’m not doing too bad. For a while I only wanted to eat plain food but I’m back to eating normally now which is nice.

    Yes let’s keep pushing through and ticking off those days.

    Take care. Kissing heartXxx

  • Hi Emz , 

    you are doing really well , my appetite still not back to normal nearly 5 weeks post treatment .. I tried so hard to get 6 snacks a day but then found fortisip ( a protein drink ) which I’m still taking 2 a day, it will get better , just go with it and relax when you can …

    Big hugs 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hi  ,

    I hope you’re beginning to feel a little better with the new anti-sickness meds, if not don’t be afraid to tell your treating team, there’s lots of different ones & it may be the case that you need to try a couple before you hit on the right one. 

    That mitomycin infusion is a bolus of the chemo to get it running in your system so hopefully the nausea will wear off.

    You really do grow to appreciate the weekends off all treatments don’t you? 
