Quick question post treatment

  • 10 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi everyone , 

I’m nearly 4 weeks post treatment but for past few days suffering with constant wind and nausea .. I’m sure it’s not a virus , temperature normal but wondering if it was anything to do with post treatment or slowly getting back into normal diet ? 

Chrissie xx

  • Hello Chrissie

    I am not sure about the nausea but just because I didn't have it doesn't mean that it isn't a thing - hopefully someone will be along who can help with that.  The wind - oh yes!  In the early days after treatment I couldn't read the signals from my bowels, I didn't know if I had wind or needed the loo.  That improved drastically as time passed, it is very early days for you and you are still healing after some pretty intensive treatment.

    And I would just add that anything you are unhappy about, mention to your treating team.  They are invariably very responsive and can offer advice and tips too.

    Healing hugs

    Irene xx

  • Thanks Irene , I’ve called the team but you leave a message and they call back .. i thought the corner was turned last week , just goes to show what a journey it entails !!!

    you take care 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hi Chrissie,

    Oh my, the wind was awful at this point for me! Some nights I went to the couch, not from pain or insomnia but just to spare my poor husband. I did find that Bean-O helped a bit.

    Nausea was only an occasional problem for me during treatment, not so much afterwards.

    I'd be willing to bet this is just another stage in your recovery, which is still pretty early. I think you can get CBD in England? That's sometimes helpful.

    How's the rest of your recovery going?



  • Hi Chrissie, as already mentioned it does happen (the wind) after treatment and although I did not experience nausea at all from start to finish I did go right off eating which was good for the waist line but not for the energy.  I still watch certain foods especially if I am going out anywhere as certain foods trigger stomach gurgling and at worst the wind. Very much a problem early post treatment and you soon link what are the culprits as you move on.


  • Hi Suz , hope you well ? 
    I’m doing good thanks , short walks , back driving , meeting friends for coffee .. then the wind , tummy gurgles , pain in bum anxiety , nausea and no appetite kicks in .. so back to small snacks , plenty of fluids and fortisip protein drinks .. partner just done my blood pressure which was lower than normal but I guess that’s the need for more food ? 
    Take care ,

    much love from across the pond 

    Chrissie xx

  • Thanks Julie , it’s such a minefield working out what is the treatment after effects , is it the cancer , or something else ?

    you lovely people have guided me through the past few months .. not sure how long the pain in the bum lasts !!! ?  Lol

    take care Julie 

    Chrissie xx

  • Hi  ,

    Ditto with the wind issues post treatment & although I didn’t have any nausea I did develop incredibly noisy digestion & a level of what can only be described as IBS type symptoms, I think we can all sympathise with you. I’m now a little over 6 years post treatment & although things are much much better there are still certain foods & drinks that provoke these symptoms & before I eat/drink these I have to weigh up if it’s really worth it. I hope things begin to settle down soon for you. 


  • Thanks Nicola , it is like ibs with a sore bottom !!!!

    Hope you are well ?

    Chrissie xx

  • If your symptoms persist or you find them coming & going maybe try keeping a food diary, that way you can probably pinpoint foods that cause a reaction, coffee is pretty much a no no for me now, I bloat, get very gassy & sometimes feel pretty nauseous for at least a couple of hours after which makes me sad because I love a really good cup of coffee. 


  •  A food diary is a brilliant idea Nicola … I have suffered with occasional nausea for a number of years , put it down to anxiety but now convinced certain foods are to blame , especially at this time … 


    Chrissie xx