Radiotherapy is the worse for me

  • 14 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi I’m new here an really struggling with radiotherapy this will be me fourth week doing it! 
the side effects are horrendous for me so much pain an itching I’m on morphine but doesn’t seem to be helping also got gel to help with the itching but again isn’t very good Cry I’m wondering if anyone else has any tips? 
because of where it is I can’t sit or stand for to long I’m really struggling can’t stop crying.

  • Hi  I'm so sorry you're having a bad experience with it all. It's certainly is a hard treatment to get through and feel your pain. I'm just on day 6 post treatment where all my skin has broke and starting to heal.  I would imagine you may go through this sooner given you have reacted already. 

    Everybody's comments above I'd recommend. I had the strata xrt gel that I think did help prolong any reaction. But in between I was on antihistamines as I had itchy skin from chemo. I also have daily dead sea salt baths.

    I use the 99% water wipes (but are not flushable) - I just use the baby wipes from local store. Other members have done very well with using a cream (e.g. e45 I think or similar) on toilet roll to wipe with.  I was also given a few different creams - flamigel rt (I'd use that after radiation) and then once that's soaked in I'd use a QV ointment which was like a barrier cream. 

    I was aliso given the instagel which is what you have to help with bowel movements, it's a local anesthetic.  It can be dabbed onto anal area before a BM although if any skin is broken there I'd imagine it is sore - plus I'd advise doing this a good 5 mins before a BM which isn't always easy.  They can provide granugel which acts like a hydrating base to mix with it.  The whole mixture goes onto a dressing which you'd place in your underwear. The gels and dressings were provided by my skin nurse but also gave me a prescription to wait for.  This helped numb the area. Although, as with any creams, I don't think you could have this on 2 hours prior to radiation treatment.

    I was unable to wear anything that touched me in that region in last week and post recovery.  I had to get some boxer style shorts that are close fitting and wear them lower down on hips so I still have something on but wasn't rubbing anywhere.  Once hospital trips are finished with it get easier to just wear very little in your home. 

    The sitz bath was a must for me, made such a difference. I was in tears too with the pain from having a wee. I had likely radiation cystitis in later weeks and have had to use the sitz bath since as urethra is more than likely very inflamed - everything in-between my legs is really!

    I did get some domeboro powders in to help with itchy skin, but again make sure it's been cleaned prior to radiation.

    Hopefully it'll all settle down for you soon or become more manageable at least! Fingers crossed X  

  • Hi  ,

    I used to use water wipes instead of toilet roll, I couldn’t use the sensitive wipes or non-perfumed as they still stung. You’ll find water wipes alongside the other baby wipes at either the supermarket or chemist if you’re visiting one for the antihistamines, you could also order them from Amazon too if you’re ordering a site bath. 


  • Oh Kim, no toilet paper!!! Oh, my butt is flinching at the very thought! Even wet wipes were too intrusive for me. Get a peri-bottle. You fill it with warm water and spritz your poor behind with it after bowel movements and then you can just ever so gently pat dry, or blow dry on the cool setting when even patting is too much. But the Sitz bath and peri-bottles (and for me, a cleansing lotion- I still have one called Balneol stationed in each bathroom) are vitally important. I'm so frosted that no one told you this beforehand!


  • Hello

    you are right the radiotherapy is horrendous, you need to ask for a different pain relief so it doesn’t all get to much.

    I found that laying was the best option as sitting was so uncomfortable.

    Also try to not get constipated.

    I am in remission which is great but you have to keep looking on the bright side so it doesn’t get to much.

    if you have any more questions you need answering just put it on the chat Jo x