Just starting out

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  • 38 subscribers

Hi all

I finally started my treatment yesterday. I have signed up for the trial so have chemo tablets everyday that I have the radiotherapy. Yesterday I had the IV infusion too. 
I felt really tired and queasy by the time I got home - I live an hour and a quarter away from the hospital so we set off at 9.30 and didn’t arrive home until 4.15 yesterday. 
This morning I’ve had diarrhoea and have taken some meds - hoping they work so that I can manage the journey! 
I’m hoping that as it’s just the tablets now maybe it will settle down. Struggling to eat but had some toast for breakfast. 
My mum’s funeral is on Friday so I need to be able to sit through that. This week is going to be so hard but at least I’ve crossed one treatment off. 

  • Hi  ,

    That first day can be a proper stinker, I live around half an hour from my treating hospital but it was still an all day job for me too, they don’t make up the chemo infusion until your bum is very firmly in that seat & they’re sure you’re able to go ahead.

    If the nausea continues ask for your team to review your anti sickness meds. The diarrhoea may have been a reaction to the infusion also & hopefully you’ll find that settles down. I had the same treatment regime as you’re having & I had very few side effects from the oral chemo & didn’t need any more anti sickness medication after that first prescription. The fatigue was a different story though, some days I would get up full of beans, I refurbished a dining room table & chairs out in the garden in the sunshine over a few days, then other days I’d get up & feel completely wiped out straight away & apart from my radiotherapy appointment I did nothing all day! Just try & listen to your body & do what it asks of you. 

    You’ve got a difficult week ahead especially with your dear mum’s funeral on Friday, I’ll be thinking of you. 


  • You've got a full plate and no mistake, Sunny, dealing with your cancer and your mum's funeral all in one week.

    That's a dreadful long day and I hope most are shorter and easier. I live about an hour from my treatment center and the drive really tired me, even when it wasn't me driving. 

    My heart is with you. I'm glad your journey toward being cured has begun, and am sending you strength to get through this week.



  • Hi

    I remember the first couple days and it wasn't easy! I find that the chemo wipes my appetite out and makes me nauseous too.  If its any consolation - after a couple of days you'll settle down I would expect.  I had to have stronger anti sickness so tell them and theyll sort it out.  I am also on chemo this week via pump and can't wait for end of week.  So glad its started for you now though and you can count off the days!

    My thoughts are with you for the funeral and my heart goes out to you in this difficult time.  Take strength that all things pass and good times will return.

    Carole x

  • Hello Sunnygirl

    The first day is a complete unknown for most people and my eyes popped when I saw the huge bolus filled with purple liquid.  I also had the tablets and my biggest fear was being able to swallow them, but I managed the entire course without retching once.  I had anti-sickness meds but found I didn't need them with the capecitabine tablets, but I did suffer from diarrhoea, and I don't know if that was the chemo or the radiotherapy.  Further into the treatment I wore Tena pants, I never had an accident whilst out at the hospital but I felt that bit safer.  The good thing about tablets is that your visit to the hospital is for the radiotherapy only and normally there isn't too much waiting around, hopefully your other visits will be much shorter affairs and less tiring.

    I can only imagine the stress you are going through right now with grieving your Mum and all the worry of the course of treatment and of course, the forthcoming funeral.  My heart goes out to you and I'll be thinking of you on Friday and in the coming weeks.  We are always here to lend an ear and give a virtual hug.

    Irene xx  

  • Hello all

    Thank you so much for your words of encouragement last week. 
    I had a tough day on Wednesday and needed some different anti sickness meds but they have really helped. 
    i got through Mum’s funeral and wake without any tummy issues which was a big relief for me. It was a lovely service and I think she would have been proud. 
    Week 2 is halfway done and I’m feeling better than last week. Got a long day tomorrow as I need a blood transfusion but then it’ll nearly be Friday and time for a break. 

    Hope everyone is doing ok. Xx

  • Hi  

    It’s good to hear from you; I was thinking about you last week when it was your mums funeral and was so sad thinking of you going through all these things at once. I’m glad it was a lovely service for her

    I’m exactly one week ahead of you, treatment wise, so it would be great to hear how you’re doing and hopefully we can offer each other some encouragement.

    The weekend breaks are the best aren’t they? I spent last week walking my dogs with a long floaty dress and no knickers to get some air flowing! Floaty dresses and hiking boots it is for the foreseeable!! Slight smile

    Hope your day goes quickly tomorrow.

    Claire x

  • Hello Sunnygirl

    I am so glad that that you didn't have any issues at your Mum's funeral.  And having a lovely service for the final goodbye makes the loss just that little bit easier to bear, I think.

    I hope everything goes well for you today and tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you, and have a restful weekend.

    Irene xx

  • Claire, knickerless is the way to go if you can!  I am really impressed you are still walking your dogs, I was too tired during treatment but am now back to normal and it is part of my daily routine.  They make the world a better place!

    Irene xx

  • Hi  , 

    Firstly I’m really pleased that your mums funeral went as well as can be expected & that you got through it without any issues, I’m sure that your dear mum is very proud of you, it’s been a lot for you these last few weeks.

    It’s also great that the new anti-sickness meds seem to be working, they’re a bit of a minefield being so many different types, I think it’s a case of not one size fits all.

    I’ve known a couple of people that have had blood transfusions during treatment, one being the lady that I buddied up with, our path to diagnosis & staging was a little different but our treatment began the same day & we supported each other daily, she had a blood transfusion pretty early on & said she felt so much better afterwards so I hope you find it the same. 

    Weekends are the best during this treatment so enjoy your couple of days break & hope all goes well with the transfusion. 
