Awaiting start

  • 43 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi all

Can anyone advise how long it normally takes before treatment starts for radiotherapy/chemo after diagnosis or what needs to happen before that?  I saw consultant on 31 Jan after all the scans and tests who gave diagnosis of T2 N1 and he said he was referring me on to Bristol Royal Infirmary and I'm still waiting to hear and wondering about the whole process.  I am getting anxious and am pretty frightened of the whole thing - especially after reading about side effects etc.  

  • Hi  , I’m sorry yesterday was a rough one for you, anti-sickness meds can be a bit of a juggling act but there’s always another option & hopefully your nurse hit the nail on the head straight away. I know it’s easy to say when you’re through the other side but just try & focus on that end date. 

    Sending lots of healing thoughts your way & we’re always here if you need us. 


  • Carole, I am SO glad you got it sorted out.  Nausea is the absolute worst and please don't ever feel you can't go back because of side effects, tell the team treating you immediately when things are getting too much.  They have an extensive range of painkillers, creams and anti-nausea meds at their disposal and if one doesn't suit, they will find one that does.  And sometimes we have suggestions too.

    Just count off the days.  Thinking of you.

    Irene xxx

  • Thanks so much Carole, really appreciate your reply.  Yes, it's really thrown me the chemo regime as it's just not what I'd expected.  I had started to think how the picc line may be a bit of a pain with getting dressed and sleep - my sleeps already disturbed and think I'll just be constantly worried about knocking the line / pump for first day or two.  But fatigue prob sets in at some stage and just get used to it! 

    I'm glad you've managed to get the times sorted so they are closer. Just seen your post saying how nauseous you felt, but quickly resolved by nurse, so that's really good to know and so glad you're feeling much better.  Yes the more I read on everyone's posts the more I think how amazing all are for going through it, it feels like a major effort just getting to the treatment stage and then there's the treatment to get thorough! But first week nearly over for you, pump will be gone soon so that's one hurdle done - really hope you manage to get lots of rest at the weekend.

    Thinking of you and sending healing vibes your way! Xx