No treatment outcomes

  • 11 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Has anyone decided against chemo radiation treatment?

    • No, because the only treatment is chemo/radiation. Have you just been diagnosed with anal cancer?  There is about a 70% cure rate, depending on which stage you are in. Please tell us more. 
  • Yes I've just been diagnosed. Go on Wednesday for 2nd oncology appointment to get measured up for radiotherapy. Really worried about the burns and possible complications.

  • I have Anal cancer,and my treatment was Radiotherapy only, for 5weeks ,and Happy to say My cancer is now gone...

  • Aww congratulations that's terrific news. Was the treatment really tough. Mines has gone into pelvis. Didn't ask where in pelvis but will write it down for Wednesday. 

  • Welcome to the forum, although I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis.  I don't know of anyone who has declined treatment.  During the early days of my treatment (I had six months chemo first as I had a spot on each lung) one oncologist I saw told me they they had to wait to see the outcome of that chemo before chemo/radiotherapy.  However, later I saw the senior oncologist, the bullish one that I really liked, and she said everything is going according to plan, lung ablation on each lung and then further chemo/radiotherapy.  You might be surprised to hear I was delighted, it meant that they were doing everything possible to rid me of cancer.  Yes, it is brutal but short and doable, and nearly eleven months later my life is wonderful - not exactly as it was before but nothing that I can't live with.

    Will be thinking of you on Wednesday, please let us know how you get on.

    Irene x

  • Hi  ,

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m very sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis. You’ll find all of us here have either been through or are going through the standard chemoradiotherapy advised for a diagnosis of anal cancer. I can’t recall anyone in my time here not going through with treatment although that’s not to say they’re not out there as not everyone chooses to post here. From a personal viewpoint this treatment offered me my best shot at survival & I wanted & needed to survive this. I was also really concerned about the side effects etc., but I was ok! I had a rough few days after my last day of treatment but was soon on the road to recovery & I’m back living my life pretty much as before & I’m cancer free to date. Obviously this treatment or radical surgery are the only option to attempt to cure & to stop the spread of anal cancer. Everyone is different & has side effects to varying degrees & although there’s common threads than run through it’s a very individual thing. 

    You mention you’re concerned about possible complications, we’re a really friendly open minded bunch here so if you have any questions please just ask. 


  • Thank you everyone . All you brave people HuggingHearts

  • Just remember, please, you aren't alone.  Anal cancer is still relatively rare and this is a quiet forum in comparison to some but there is always someone around to commiserate with if the going gets tough. x

  • Hi JayA 

    I know you are worried about the side effects of chemoradiotherapy, but it’s not as bad as what I thought.but everyone Is different!!

    I was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 anal cancer within a month  I had to have a stoma, which I was so frightened to have but actually it’s was the best thing I had done, it’s reversible but due to always suffered with bowel issues I’m contemplating keeping it. 
    As for the treatment I only had 4 days of chemo as it affected my heart which is very very rare and I was worried that only having half the treatment I will not be cured, but the radiotherapy is the main treatment, when I read about the side effects of what could be I was the same and so worried about burns etc, well I had hardly any side effects, I was itchy in the first couple of days but was given antihistamines which worked a treat, I bathed from day 1 in Epsom salts for dry skin, eczema I used e45 to wipe myself after every toilet and was given a barrier cream to put on after, I lost my hair down there but to me that was a bonus as I didn’t have to shave, my groin area peeled but wasn’t sort at all, I have 1 little area at the top of my bum that became a little itchy and sore which they gave me some dressings for but I’m sure this was cos I was laying down all the time so more of a bed sore and that was it.

    I was given oramorph for pain which I still take every morning as I do still have pain not bad but at the moment I still feel I need it some days it’s worse than others.

    I felt it very tiring having to go to hospital everyday but I just got on with it and before I knew I had done my 6 weeks, 

    I recovered quite quickly and was  back to work after 6 weeks took a little while to get my strength back but I’m now firing on all cylinders as they say. 
    And best of all after my second MRI scan I was told I’m in remission I’m due my 6 month check up in April. 

    If you asked me would I go through the treatment all again I most definitely would. 
    Good luck and if there is anything you want advice about this is the best place 

    Laura x x

  • Hi JayA,

    I don't know anyone who has passed on getting ANY treatment. I might well decline certain things going forward, but I'm only 63 and want the best chance at hanging around another decade or two. Challenging as the standard treatment can be, the positive results are excellent. I figured I could put up with it at least once if it'll give me that shot.
