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I am probably panicking I due my scan on 3 August it's my first one so have scan terror . I went for a poo and there was some blood on the outside mind you it was very big one (sorry) I am now panicking has any one had a similar situation I have been straining a bit 

  • It's hard not to get a little panicky, isn't it? I thought they would send me for scans during my follow-ups earlier this week, but they're going to leave me alone for 4 more months, then examine and scan.

    I'll have my panic day then.

    I take some much psyllium that I rarely have to strain, but it does happen, and so does occasional bleeding. I believe that's pretty normal.

    Deep breaths, and maybe a cup of senna tea. You got this.

  • Thanks it's been a long haul hopefully everything will be ok might have a wee mint tea no senna

  • Hi   this does happen from time to time so try not to worry too much- easier said than done I know!  I am 3 years post-treatment and sometimes get a little bleeding from time to time, especially after a difficult bowel motion. As you probably know, the radiotherapy causes stenosis (narrowing) of the anal and vaginal canals so it's very common for the skin to stretch and tear a little. My treating team told me to let them know if the bleeding happened every time I went to the toilet or was quite heavy.  Hope your scan goes ok- the anxiety that comes with scans can be awful. Personally, I find distraction techniques do help although obviously don't take the worry away 100%. Bev 

  • Thanks you it's just the hubby is wanting to go holiday in a river cruise so hopefully it goes well 

  • It's so frightening isn't it?  I had my first scan at the end of June three months after my chemo/radiation treatment ended.  I was in such a state I told my husband to come in with me (he hasn't been able to come to any appointments with me) and no one said anything, in fact they were very pleasant to him as he sat in the consulting room with me.  Primary tumour shrunk (still there but they expect shrinkage to carry on) and everything else clear.  Nothing for the next three months, so that night my husband booked a ferry and within a week we had run away to Spain!  Some blood seems to be normal, my consultant was never surprised when I told him, remember everything is raw inside as well as out and all it needs is a 'big one' to break the skin.  I am sure your husband just wants the two of you to have some sense of normality back in your lives, so I am really hoping that they give you the go-ahead.  Please let us know how you get on.  

  • Hi there!

    I, too, have blood from time to time (especially after a bulky BM), though less as I get further and further from my last treatment in January.  It sends me into a mini-panic, too, because some bright red blood and occasional mucous were my only symptoms at diagnosis.  It’s pretty ironic that effective treatment yields some of the same symptoms as the disease itself.

    I would mention it to your medical team, but I bet they’ll reassure you that this is pretty normal for this time in recovery.  Sending you peace as your scan date approaches (I know it’s an anxious time).

    Take care,


  • Hello black pudding, 

    Had totally the same panic as you, still do in fact. I still occasionally have a bit of blood. Scares me every time but I’ve been told by my onco that the treatment changes forever the cells inside the anus/rectum and makes them more delicate and susceptible to bleeding. Even more so if you have a pile or two. So try not to panic but always let your team or GP know. Better safe than sorry but very unlikely to be anything scary. Xx 

    • Sorry should also have mentioned I am a year post treatment. So it seems quite normal when I read through the others that have been here longer… just something to keep our eye on x