Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

  • 7 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Hello again -  I saw a post on here where someone mentioned having hyperbaric oxygen therapy which can be beneficial for long term side effects of radiotherapy. I haven't asked my consultant or GP about it yet but just wondered if many people have tried it and whether it was a positive experience. Also, is it available on the NHS or only available privately? Thanks.

  • Hi Colly I was looking into having this as we have a local therapy centre that provides this. My understanding from what I read was that it’s best to have it during treatment.  I spoke to my oncologist and she didn’t recommend it and said it was very expensive and there was no scientific proof it works. I have also read that people say they have or have not benefited from this. It’s difficult isn’t it?

  • Hi there, it may have been me that mentioned this. It was recommended to me and we have a local charity with a chamber which I went to. It isn’t available on the NHS. You just gave a donation each session. £20 was recommended. I really don’t know if it helped, maybe I would have healed anyway, but my skin did heal very quickly. It is not an unpleasant experience and I went once or twice a week through treatment and for a month after. The only slightly unnerving thing was being locked in the chamber for an hour and a half when your bowels can be a bit unreliable! 
    Orherwise it wasn’t an unpleasant experience and I met several people living with cancer. It made me feel I was doing something. Hope that helps .

  • That's interesting, already two different experiences! I've realised there's a section on this Macmillan site about it aswell:


    so I think I will ask my consultant and GP about it. Brilliant that you had a local charity with a chamber Pita, what part of the country are you in? And did you need a referral from your GP or oncologist?

  • Hi Colly, I am in Cumbria , and the chamber was in Heysham, near Morecambe, it’s called a Breath for Life and has a website. I didn’t need a referral but did ask the oncologist if they thought it was OK to do , which they were happy with. Hope that helps.

  • Hi Pita, could i ask how much the charge for the chamber sessions. Thank you 

  • Hi 1996, the suggested donation was £20/ session so not that expensive really . I believe the non charity chambers are much more expensive 

  • Thank you, we have a charity one in ED8NBURGH  I will enquire. louise xxx