Should it be taking this long ?

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  • 38 subscribers


After first reporting my symptoms Jan 2021 to my gp i finally had a colonoscopy ,  biopsy and gastroscopy 30th November 2021 .

This was after my gp first referred me to gynaecology department which appointments were delayed due to backlog of covid then referral  went  missing! Then finally told nothing was wrong ! I furthered it again with my gp as I was still in pain  and bleeding from back passage which resulted in being referred for a sigmoidoscopy but after another 7 weeks of waiting I'd heard nothing so contacted gp again  to which I was told I had  to chase it up myself with the hospital ( PALS) to which I ended up waiting another 3 weeks because short staffed and  they then gave me the news it allegedly had never been referred and to go back to my gp!! At this point I was on the verge of a breakdown.. sent back and forth ..I put a letter of complaint  to my GP saying I feel let down by the whole medical services and I don't care who what why ..I just want someone to sort me out !!!  Finally in November I had an appointment with a lovely colorectal nurse who after an examination found a tumour and I was urgently referred for colonoscopy and gastroscopy. This procedure was done on 30th Nov as I stated earlier, whilst waiting for my biopsy results I was given an urgent CT and MRI scan and had the results on 16th December 2021 and was referred from my local hospital to another as it didn't deal with this particular cancer .

I heard nothing from the new referral until 6th Jan, during this time I had no one to turn to to ask questions, it was an awful 3 weeks . I finally had a phone call from a consultant who said I needed a PET scan as according to my ct results in December my lymph nodes were enlarged so need to see if has spread . I had the scan on 14th Jan.  The nurse there said the results will take 48 hours . 

I heard nothing so I called the consultants secretary by the end of the next week to see if there were any results and to see if there is any news on when I'll be seen by the oncologist or discuss what treatment etc . She informed me that my results were through and waiting to be seen . My MDT hadn't taken place that week because my consultant was on holiday abroad and not back til the following week . I was devastated, I totally understand that people are entitled to holidays but surely they should appoint someone in their place whilst off Shrug

So more waiting...

I waited until yesterday and called again. My MDT meeting has taken place this week and she had the notes ready to type up to send . I asked if she could tell me if I had an appointment with oncologist she said she can't discuss the letter without consultants authorisation.  She got back to me and said she had spoken to consultant and that she has now typed up the letter and I will receive it soon .

So yet again I am still waiting, so many questions I have going round in my head , the pain is getting excruciating, I am worried its spreading as even my lady bits hurt now too and I can feel a lump on the wall of my vagina . 

I have a lot of support from family and friends but feel I have no support from the medical side of things . I am just in limbo .

Over 6 weeks of being given a diagnosis but no one to ask questions to is so hard , what the treatment is ? what to expect? 

I ended up googling it but that made me feel awful !! 

I'm so glad I found this forum as it has been some comfort .

I apologise if I have waffled on but I just feel alone .

  • Hi ,

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m so sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    What an absolutely awful time you’ve been having, It makes me so angry when things are not appropriately followed up especially with something as serious as a cancer diagnosis! As you have already done I would definitely have put in an official complaint starting with the GP! You’ve had symptoms for a year now which has resulted in this diagnosis, things may have been much easier dealt with had it been picked up when you first presented with symptoms! I can only imagine the stress you’ve been under. I’m also sure details of your appointment could have been given over the phone, I hadn’t received my latest scan results before Christmas & was concerned so I rang my colorectal surgeons secretary & after taking a couple of details to make sure I was who I said I was she quite happily read the letter over the phone to save me worrying whilst waiting for the post. 

    We advise people to try & not Google as so much of the information out there is pretty outdated & quite scary to be perfectly honest, maybe stick to sites such as Macmillan or Cancer Research as these are reliable sources. Please if you have any questions at all don’t ever be afraid to ask however personal they may seem, I can guarantee we’ve all asked these same exact questions somewhere along the line. I also know how lonely it can feel especially in your situation with not receiving very good support via your medical team but you’re not alone, we’ve all been through this or are going through this right now so you’re in good company with people that understand what you’re facing. I really hope you hear something about your appointment soon if not don’t be afraid to chase it up again. 


  • Hi Trv22 I was so shocked to read your experience and can only hope it’s rare!  You haven’t waffled on and pleased to hear you have good support from your family and friends but even with that it’s tough emotionally as if you are like a lot of us here it can be hard to let go what you are really feeling to those close to you. This is why this site is so great for support and we know what you are going through (well some of it). I truly hope you get a date with your oncologist soon and that you know what’s ahead. Please keep in touch with us all and let us know how things are going.

  • Hi   I just wanted to echo the welcome you've had and to say how I can only imagine how distressing this must be for you. This is a hugely stressful time anyway and it doesn't make it any easier being messed around like this. Given your pain level, I would suggest calling again on Monday, highlighting this and insisting on receiving an appointment date by the end of the week. If you don't feel like you can do this yourself, is there someone who could speak on your behalf to the hospital? I would also suggest re-contacting the PALS team again and asking for their help.  You shouldn't have to chase like this but unfortunately this is the reality of the situation at some hospitals. Bev 

  • Hello Trv22, I just thought I would comment to show my support. I too took 7 months to be diagnosed and finally get my treatment, this was due to going backwards and forwards with my GP as they kept on telling me it was hemorrhoids. I am particularly surprised though that in Nov 2021 after having your colonoscopy etc. They still said there was nothing wrong, that leaves me scratching my head. Once I was diagnosed everything then happened quite quickly for me. However, I was hoping that you would find it consoling somewhat that even after my 7 month wait and treatment, I am now clear. I  know you have been waiting longer but just wanted to offer you my support. I totally understand how hard you have had to fight just to get this far and it always amazes me how hard you have to fight with GP/hospitals just to be heard. Along with being ill and the stress and worry, I have to sympathise with you and say it is an awful time, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and hoping that your treatment starts very soon. 

    Please keep us updated and do not be afraid to keep knocking in their door, even if it means calling them and annoying them everyday. I have had to say that to them many a time "I'm not gonna be fobbed off and I am not going away. I will call and call and keep on annoying you until I get what I need"

    Sending you hugs


  • Hi Nicola 

    Thank you for your kind words , I was hoping to have received my letter but unfortunately not . I was hoping that the secretary would have read the letter over the phone as she had first mentioned but her after seeking authorisation from the consultant she said she had sent the letter . It makes me more nervous that the PET scan results weren't good and that's why she wasn't allowed to tell me?! 

    I even set up an online account with the hospital as requested but its not completely up and running yet so we  still may receive paper letters instead, I have checked it but have received nothing yet . 

    I do find the whole thing really hard to talk about ,  my parents were very prudish and I was brought up that way so I am really struggling to ask personal questions and even say( and even write !)  the word anal ..I know I shouldn't but once it's instilled in you as a child it's hard to break .. my daughter is completely the opposite and is so open , she is trying to change my way of thinking.. I am trying but its so hard . 

    I will be putting a formal complaint in as soon as I have seen my oncologist or whoever it is I have to see and find out all the details so I can put everything in the complaint rather than adding bits after ( the one I did at my GP was more of a "  what is going on "letter ) 

    The radiographer who did my normal CT scan in December told me to go to PALS and explain what's happened , if nothing else to stop it happening to others so I think that is where I shall start . 

    Thank you again for making me feel a bit more relaxed about talking about it and I will definitely stop googling it ... it has done absolutely nothing for me except make me feel bad about myself . This site is definitely the way forward for me . 

    If I receive nothing by Monday then I will be calling the secretary again.

    Take care x

  • Hi jaycee 

    Thankyou for your words of support , it means a lot. 

    I do struggle to be open with my feelings so have been bottling a lot up . 

    Reading other people's experiences is really helping me to be more open though.

    Take care x

  • Hi ,

    Thank you for commenting on my post . It took me a long time to pluck up the courage to do it but so glad I did . 

    I will definitely be calling the secretary again Monday if I receive no communication from them . 

    As soon as I have all the details I will definitely be contacting PALS  ..not just for me , what's done is done , it can't be changed but I  can hopefully stop it happening to others.  

    Thank you again 

    Take care x

  • Hi, my names Louise, I’m starting my treatment on the 21/02/2022 have my CT3 on Monday 31/02/2022 this is for the targeted radiotherapy planning. I go into hospital for 1 week Chemo, radio, then radio for 3,5 weeks then 1 week again Chemo radio.

    i was very very concerned about the time scales on my treatment, I went to the doctor on the 23/11/2021 and this is me just getting my treatment started nearly 3 months later. I did bring this up at my oncologist meeting this week and asked that it be noted on my notes.

    I live in Edinburgh, and my hospital is the western General hospital centre of excellence for cancer treatment.

    This web sight has been my saviour, it has help calm me down, in that im not alone going through this battle, I’ve been told that my treatment is planing for a curative outcome.

    All the wonderful people on the web sight will help you no end, we are all here for each other, it has helped me believe in people again. Love Louise xxxx

  • Please call or email your doctor for better pain relief, it’s shocking, you should not be left to deal with this pain. 

    My doctor has been amazing, I just email them through there prescription request online and had my pain relief that day.

    ask for Solpadol 500mg that helps a lot, I also got liquid morphine, which I’ve not used as yet but will probably need after the treatments finished. 

    One of the members on here PrettyPinkRoses is amazing she will help you with everything you might need going into your treatment. I’ve followed everything she has suggested and am well prepared for my treatment.

    PPR has finished her treatment and is on the mend. 

  • Hi Karen 

    So glad to hear you are clear and it's news like that that keeps me going ! 

    I unfortunately lost my mom , both grandads , my grandma and my uncle from cancer ( not all the same cancers ) so when I had the diagnosis I was petrified. 

    They found 2 tumours in November2021  when I had the colonoscopy and took biopsies.  Then had the results on 16th Dec that were malignant.  

    I was  originally informed they couldn't find anything ( in July) because they had referred me to gynaecology !! I'd originally complained ( Jan 2021) to my gp about extreme pain in my back passage and bleeding also pain when intimate with my husband . Coupled up with the fact I had/have a 6cm ovarian cyst (found 3 months earlier) she suspected I had endometriosis.  I had a referral to look into this . 

    This referral went missing ( it actually has since come through for Feb 8th 2022!) 

    After a scan on my pelvis a mass was detected in April /May and was seen urgently by a gynaecologist ! 

    I have since found out ( in Oct 21 after a complaint with my gp) this scan in May had showed a mass on my rectal lymph nodes which radiographer had apparantly commented that needed following up with consultant.... the consultant I hadn't got because the referral had gone missing! ... (I did previously try and  chase the appointment up but was told i was on the system but delayed due to backlog from covid and would be contacted in due course  ) 

    Anyway after a biopsy on my womb ?!  I was told there was nothing wrong .. and to contact gp if symptoms persisted.. which they obviously were .. so I did immediately. That was July.  And then this is when  the part about  referring me for sigmoidoscopy etc began and that gp then decided it wasn't gynaecology after all !! 

    This referral also went missing ( writing this it almost appears unbelievable but its the truth!) and after my contacting my GP to tell them I'd not heard anything was given a number to call to chase it up myself !!!

    I finally  had an appointment with colorectal nurse  in November ! And that part went went really quick... unfortunately I'm now back to the waiting part ...

    Im gaining a lot of positivity from hearing your thoughts so thank you for this...

    Take care