EUA needed - frightened

  • 15 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi all,

well what a day I am having. Today I got offered a job on more money than I’ve ever earned in my life. My family finally received some good news after a horrendous year. 

not an hour had gone past before I got a call to say they have looked at my scans and despite seeing my oncologist and her doing a DRE and saying she’s almost certain it’s scar tissue / they have decided it might still be cancer and therefore I need an EUA under general anaesthetic on December 9th - the second week of my new job. Then I was told if there is still cancer there it will be an APR procedure - despite my oncologist telling me I didn’t need to worry about that. I know they are just doing it as a belt and braces approach, but I really didn’t expect this and now I’m terrified I’ll need an APR. Basically on my scans there is a small area of activity and they don’t know what it is. 

my cancer was stage 2, no nodes, and I was off any kind of painkiller within 3 weeks of radiotherapy starting, i am 37 and I just don’t understand how there are so many other people at 3 ‘months who get told NED - and yet here I am.

i don’t know how much longer I can take this mental torture. I lost my business, my fertility and a lot of my dignity as a result of this disease. My family are completely broken - both mentally and physically. I’d just begun to think things were going to be on the up. 1 whole hour out of the year when I thought things were finally becoming positive. Then right back down to cancer land again. I just want to know what I’ve done to deserve such ongoing cruelty. What else do I have to go through? I just want to be able to take my 3 year old on holiday. 

who else has had an EUA? Is scar tissue the normal? I just need to hear some people’s experiences so I can decided how to proceed, whether tk take this job or not - 9or whether to start mentally preparing for an APR. 

thanks everyone. I’m feeling very broken. 

  • Hi Arightbumdeal, I am so sorry what you are going through right now. I have just read on a previous thread that it is very common to have a EAU to examine scar tissue after chemoradiotherapy has been done. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that it is just scar tissue. I was told to remember that they do give you the worst case scenario that it might be the cancer coming back which is I’m told very rare but it’s not always so. Just remember at the beginning when you are told all the side effects that could happen and I must admit I was contemplating whether to go ahead with the treatment! I don’t think they are so quick to tell you that it’s a NED as saying it might still be there. Hopefully someone on here can give you advice on their experience. We have done nothing to deserve this disease as my oncologist said sadly it just happens. Thinking of you x

  • Thanks Jaycee. Really hoping I get some more replies here.

  • Hi congratulations on the new job!   This happened to me, on my DRE's they could feel what I was told, they were virtually certain was scar tissue but just to be absolutely sure , I had an examination under anaesthetic (EUA). This confirmed it was scar tissue. I was in and out of hospital in a matter of about 3 hours. I was given a general anaesthetic and the biopsy was a needle biopsy. I think I had to wait about 2-3 weeks for the results.  It is very common to have scar tissue right at the place where the tumour was located due to the effects of the radiotherapy. I had no pain after the procedure and was back at work the following day. I would just check with your treating team if it will be a needle biopsy because if not, you may need a few days after to recover (unless you're working from home).  Bev 

  • Thank you. Mine is booked for December 9th. So it means I’ll probably have to suffer the Christmas period waiting for results. I was so excited for Christmas after the year I’ve had, but now it’s just another thing to suffer through, constantly worrying.

    I just don’t understand why any of this is happening to me. 

  • Hi  I would take comfort from your Oncologist saying she’s almost certain it’s scar tissue. She seems not to be concerned it’s anything sinister so the EUA is not being carried out because they think there’s cancer there but because they are being very cautious, which is a good thing. They do have to double check. It’s not good to be facing another Christmas with this hanging over your head so if I were you I’d chase those results before Christmas, there’s a chance they may be back.    Bev x

  • Thanks Bev. Here’s hoping. Although I’m not sure I know how to hope anymore. 

  • I'm so sorry to hear your bad news! Even if you DO need an APR, does that necessarily mean you can't take the new job? I completely understand your feelings of outrage, unfairness and cruelty! I honestly think we're matter how far out...wonder when/if the next shoe is going to drop. The anxiety can be relentless sometimes, especially when you hear things like you just did! I just go through scans and blood work for my 2 year check....but I was stage III so I feel like...any bad news and it's stage IV for me!!!! That's terrifying. And yes, it would mean an APR. I have researched APR's a lot because when I was first diagnosed I thought I would have to get one. Honestly, a lot of what I read and saw on youtube, instagram, etc....reassured me that life would go on. Some people run marathons (my exercise of choice!) with those things! So please lean on us during this difficult, uncertain, stressful time. We're here for you. We will all need everyone else at times too I'm certain. Take the job! Trust that things will work out! Best, Lynn 

  • Thanks Lynn. I just don’t understand how my oncologist can sit back, smile and say I don’t need to worry about an APR. And then two weeks later, phone call out of the blue to say they think still active cancer and need an EUA. 

  • I hear you. Doctors demeanors can be unsettling sometimes! My oncologist enthusiastically said "you're cured!!!" after my first post treatment scan. I was thinking..."well, for today I seem to be........" My enthusiasm in no way matched hers. I feel like you're struggling more with the intense disappointment and unfairness of "why me?" "why might this be back for me???" That makes perfect sense. I will tell you have I have faced the uncertainty (as you don't know for certain anything is wrong right now!!!)...I have told myself there WILL be more problems...whether this same cancer, another or even another illness that is life-threatenging....and I'll handle it...just as I handled anal cancer the first time. It's the most reassuring thing I can think of to say if/when I find myself going down a rabbit-hole. I also follow that thought up with, "and it's the doctors job to figure out how to help me....." I hope any of this helps even a bit. I am holding onto the thought that your test will show NOTHING but scar tissue! Lynn  

  • Hi ,

    Firstly congratulations on the job offer, that sounds amazing. You’ve already had some great responses here & although I can’t really add anything to what’s already been said I will reiterate that it is fairly common for scar tissue to flag up concerns in the few months following treatment & for that to be followed up with an examination under anaesthetic (EUA).

    Personally I think the delivery of any news concerning a cancer diagnosis, or any other life changing/life threatening diagnosis for that matter, is crucial to the way we deal with that news going forward. Some Dr’s, especially in an area of medicine such as oncology where they must be delivering bad news on a daily basis, can seem very matter of fact & automatically give worse case scenario sometimes with what seems like little thought of the impact of this news when they’ve done speaking with you, I’m sure that matter of fact(ness) is often a coping mechanism for them. 

    Hopefully if you’re booked in for the 9th of December you’ll have your results back before Christmas but if not don’t be afraid to chase them up, several times if necessary!! Can I also add please don’t sit worrying about the procedure itself, if you have any concerns give your oncologist a call & ask her to talk you through it, as Bev has already said if it’s a needle biopsy it’ll be pretty non-invasive & you should only need enough recovery time for your body to deal with the anaesthetic. 

    I have everything crossed for you that it’s good news following the EUA & that you can start your new job, enjoy your Christmas & look forward to taking your little one on holiday very soon. 
