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I posted last week about the my chemo treatment. I had the traditional FU-5 June 7-11 through a pump and picc line. My next scheduled chemo is July 8-12. I am wondering if anyone has heard  if there have been any new studies done on a reduced course of chemo? I am so depressed just thinking about going through that again! I didn’t even have any of the problems that go along with the radiation because it was early in my treatment.  The chemo was what  made me so sick. I can’t imagine doing it again and also having the side effects of the radiation that I’m having now. I don’t know how I’ll make it through. 

  • Hi as far as I am aware, the largest trial going on at the moment are the PLATO trials, one offering lower doses of radiochemotherapy (for people with lower staging) and the other offering higher doses of radiochemotherapy for people with higher staging of anal cancer.  Since the 1970's the treatment for anal cancer has pretty much remained the same. Prior to the 1970'2 the treatment was  surgical only by way of an abdominoperineal resection (APR) no matter what the stage of the cancer.   I can totally understand why you are dreading the last week of the 5FU as I know what a bad time you had with the first. Have you spoken to your treating team yet about trying different anti-sickness medication? There are so many types with some being much stronger than others. I would definitely be asking for a different type of anti-sickness drug with a higher strength. It could make all the difference. This will help you get through that last week and don't forget we're all here to give you moral support.  Bev x