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  • 35 subscribers


  • Hi  that all sounds very positive and just bear in mind that it can take up to 6 months after treatment for any residual tumour to leave the building. You sound to be doing very well, try not to over exert yourself as your body does need to recover. You enjoy your visit with your friends and have a drink, you deserve it! Bev. X

  • Hi  I’m sorry to hear that and I know what it’s like to try to put a brave face on things, particularly for other people’s sake. You don’t have to do that here though, this is the beauty of this forum in that we don’t have to pretend things are fine when they’re not. Waiting for scan results is the worst, there is no real way to eliminate all the worrying and what if’s. Trying to keep busy helps but you can’t shut the thoughts out completely. I also  go through times where I feel like I can’t do this anymore. It’s completely natural to feel like this, we’re all going through an incredibly stressful life situation. Keep talking to people and try and plan little things you will enjoy to get you through to the results day. The therapy also sounds like it will help. Don’t forget we’re here for you whenever you need. Bev xx

  •  Hey Marie, I’ve been struggling too & not feeling ok about sharing that here.  I was hoping we’d both be doing normal stuff again by now, but like you I’m knackered all the time - but I'm also doing a bit more every day after my 4-5 mile morning walk.

    I’m not allowing anyone to visit cos it’s exhausting to either be my usual positive self or to be treated like a sick person, & I prefer to use my good hours to cook, clean, shop, play guitar & continue with my pathetic efforts to learn Japanese lol.

    Hope you enjoy visiting your friends & have a good natter & giggle.  Take care  xxx

  • Hi I had been wondering how you were getting on.  Please don't not feel ok about posting on here when you're struggling, we all have times like this, life has thrown us a massive curved ball and we're entitled to feel rubbish about that.  You're right, it is exhausting to have to be positive around other people and I have  made excuses at times why I can't see other people, I just can't be bothered sometimes and am simply too tired to pretend things are peachy.  It's going to be really good weather this weekend so I'm going to be sitting in the garden and drinking some wine, sounds a bit lazy compared to what you've been up to! Bev x 

  •  Thanks Bev, new members here need encouragement & hope but also not to feel alone in their fear & pain - I don’t always trust myself to get the balance right & I’m scared to get it wrong…

    Hope you have a great weekend!  xxx

  • Marie, you’re lucky not to have heard my guitar playing - the neighbours have all moved to different continents & the police have to wear ear protectorsJoy  I play fingerpicking style & try to practice every day when I can stand up long enough, even if it’s only 5–10 minutes.

    Life is weird isn’t it.  We share a rather dark sense of humour & a silly streak - maybe that’s the best way to stay sane.  I’m always grateful when you write about how crap you feel even though I’d prefer you to be healthy & happy…  xxx  Toni

  •   “…sitting upright in a chair like a normal person…” - sorry Marie, don’t know what you’re talking about Joy  So glad you had a good time with your friend & Mr mowing machine man: cancer really makes you appreciate the simple things in life.

    Ah, Clint & Morgan & Sean - all old or gone now but their films still make me tingle…

    I’ve not been arrested for GBH of the earlies yet but I’m waiting for the knock on the door…

    Tomorrow the palliative physio is popping in with a ‘perching stool’ to try out, & inspired by chatting with her on Friday I’ve just been playing with a chair & doughnut cushions & my ‘kneeling chair’ & the guitar.  Feel ridiculously pleased that I’ve done that after my 5 mile walk this morning & a visit from my sister.

    Happy drooling  xxx