
  • 6 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Hello ladies, how is everyone doing?

I was 8 weeks post treatment on Friday gone, and feeling very much like my old self.  Much better than before treatment.  My consultant did put a downer on my mood slightly when he reminded me that I still have the long term effects to come in a few months time. 

Ladies who are some years or months out of treatment, is there anything you can share about these?

R xx

  • Hi ,

    It’s really great to hear you’re doing so well & feeling like your old self. 

    As far as the ‘long-term effects’ I’m not quite sure what your consultant is referring to to be honest. I’m now 3 years post treatment & for me personally things have just gradually got back to normal, whatever normal is lol… Over this period of recovery I’ve gone from being afraid of every BM to going to the loo without fear, I used to bleed fairly regularly, my oncologist & surgeon suspected anal fissures but now it happens once in a blue moon, possibly twice in the last year. As I’ve mentioned previously I do have sciatica, some hip pain & a bit of lower back pain but I’ve had these more or less since treatment finished & any other side effects have resolved except for some anal & vaginal stenosis but nothing new has ever occurred months down the line from the end of treatment. I wouldn’t worry about what your consultant has said just take each day as it comes. You’re doing great. 


  • Hi my long term effects are similar to Nicola's. Despite my hip pain, the latest MRI showed no signs of radiation damage to the bones so I suspect this is due to the menopause. I have vaginal stenosis so I make sure I use the dilators each week, I suppose that's been my biggest physical challenge. Good to hear you're feeling better. Bev 

  • Thanks Nikki, i will try not to worry Slight smile  I have jad a bit of hip ache when going upstairs, and have paraethesia of my left thigh which started the 2nd last week of treatment, but that is controlled now with medication.  I will keep my fingers crossed Slight smile

  • Thanks Bev, that's reassuring too Slight smile

  • Nothing like feeling positive and have someone pull you down is there? The advice given is great and I think staying positive is much better than feeling every side effect is going to happen. In my twenties I was run over by a car and had a major back injury and told I would probably end up in a wheel chair! Yes admittedly I experienced back issues but with physiotherapy (private I will add) I got stronger and was fine. If I had left it to the NHS I would have been on steroids and strong medication and very little physio due to very poor staffing. Once every eight weeks if you were lucky and probably in a wheel chair. What is wrong with some of these doctors! Take care. X

  • Wow Jaycee12 it's a good job you got help elsewhere, our lives in their hands R xx