very itchy skin

  • 9 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with the incredibly itchy skin?  Flamigel and Flamizine from the fridge are not helping, have been advised to try E45, any other suggestions please?

  • Hi Beyond terrified, I myself and others have had the very same problem as we've referred to as 'the ants in the pants' . Have you tried antihistamines? The tablets you buy for hayfever! You can take 2 twice a day and they were a great help to myself and others. Try and get the cetrizine as they do not cause drowsiness. I hope this helps xxx Marie 

  • Thank you mecca, now you mention it, I think I saw that before but had forgotten.  I have some in that I normally take for hay fever, they are 1 a day tablets, should I still take 2, or stick to the guidance for allergies?

  • Hi, if they're Cetrizine you can take 2 on the morning and 2 in the evening both my doctor and nurse at the hospital recommended to me. Don't take more than one if they are not cetrizine. Xxx Marie 

  • Hi Beyond Terrified,

    At about two weeks post treatment, the itching, which was actually healing, drove me insane. It kept me up at night, and nothing seemed to help. I tried every cream and antihistamine. It finally absolved on its own. But I spent about a week going mad with the itch. What helped the most was not touching the area - not even a piece of clothing - if even air blew on the areas, the itch would roar back up. I would try to lie very still and meditate, and often the itch would simmer down enough for me to sleep. Not a helpful post, but I've been there, and it gets better!

  • Scary 40, I think you are right, much better when nothing, not even clothing, but I can't stop scratching.  My skin is now all red and swollen.  

    Mecca, have tried the cetrizine, didn't help, smothered myself in creams, didn't help, am now trying the piriton that Nikki suggested, first day today, no improvement yet.  Am into week 7 post treatment now, and really fed up.  

    I also really love how the medics tell you it's normal, after the event, rather than telling you what to expect first.  At my last review I said what shall i expect next, no mention of itching, (just like previously no mention of my vulva swelling or burning stools until after all things appeared), or advice how to manage. 

    Soooo, has anyone found a topical treatment?  Do you think I can use calamine lotion??.  

  • Hi, Piriton is the brand name for the antihistamine. But there are 2 types that you can buy over the counter that I know of and one is Cetrizine the other Loratadine that can cause drowsiness in some people that's why I suggested the Cetrizine. There are quite a few and your Dr might have the answer to which one might work best for you. Calamine lotion might be a bit too drying and the skin needs to be kept supple I would think. I'd call your Doctor. Xxx

  • Thanks Mecca, I rang last week and was told to use E45, that didn't help, and the skin started to feel scabby....rang back today and am waiting for a call back (very impatiently I might add). 

    Good point about the calamine....  Have just spotted online that there is something called E45 itch, so that will be next on my list.  

  • No I haven't seen that. Recently I've been using Clotrimazole (thrush cream) on my bum and bits alongside the antihistamine as I've been having a few uncomfortable nights. Xxx Marie 

  • I might try that then.  Have just been told by the secretary when I rang to chase a response after another bad night that the itching probably has nothing to do with the treatment.......