scans radio therapy+moods

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  • 4 subscribers

I was diagnosed with adeniod cystic cancer a couple of months ago.As soon as i was told it was terminal all my previous problem's disappeared. I have been in the best mood i can remember for many years. Even friends an family have noticed. My doctors however seem to keep trying to knock me off my perch. First i had a scan which indicated i had an abnormality in my pancreas which turned out to be nothing. Now my last ct scan showed a Myxoma [growth in my heart] which it seems is very serious. I find this hard to believe as i have not felt any of the symptoms which they described to me and the fact that the last scare with the pancreas turned out to be nothing. Still it is difficult to put it to the back of my mind. I will be glad to get the next scan and find out either way. It would be good to find out if anyone else who is having regular scans has had the same problem with phantom growths. Any guidance on this topic would be appreciated. Thanks .

  • FormerMember

    My ACC was removed from my face 8 years ago. At that time it was noted I had a small tumour in my neck, which is still there. I had been feeling breathless 2 years ago and I had a small tumour in my lung which was removed. My clinician, A Head and Neck professor advised at that time that the lung tumour did not require excision at that time. My husband was terminally ill, but feeling well at that time and I went ahead with the surgery in case the situation changed when my husband was in need of more support. My clinician is of the opinion that routine 6 monthly scanning raises anxiety levels unnecessarily due to the sensitivity of the scans. I can understand that a scan could show a possible lesion in the heart but don’t understand that they would know it was a myxoma  which is not related to ACC as far as I’m aware. I understand most people with ACC who are supervised by an Oncologist Do have regular 6 monthly scans which can often highlight new tumour growth. I think it would not be wise to ignore your clinician’s advice but it may be sensible to ask for more information that you could use to give you a more informed view of your situation. I am really glad you are feeling so positive despite your diagnosis and would wish you well. I’d just add if you continue to have doubts if you request a second opinion your consultant would be able to arrange that for you.

  • I have not heard of anyone with acc having myxoma in the heart. I think it is unrelated.

    I have had acc for 11 years and have regular scans every 6 months which are now showing more metastases,

    Now I am on a targeted drug ATRA which targets MYB which most acc patients have. I now have 3 monthly scans to monitor the effects of this new drug 


    acc R submandibular gland 2009 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    Thanks, my oncologist said it was not related to my acc. The scan i had when they picked it up was for enlarged nodes in my lungs which were stable. I am now waiting for an ultrasound on my heart to confirm or hopefully not the diagnosis. I'm pretty active walking ,biking and such and never had any symptoms so it is hard to believe. Trying to put it on the back burner but it's not so easy. Hopefully i will have news of an appointment today.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    PS hope the targeted drug goes well for you. Bit too wrapped up in my own thoughts there. Forget others are doing their best to get through their own struggles.