Recently started chemo for AML

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  • 11 subscribers

I have been recently diagnosed with AML and have started chemotherapy with azacytidine and venetoclax.  I am 69 and this came s a shock. I have had 4 days of treatment but I am still being sick every evening. The doctors have now given me another anti sickness tablet - Ondansetron. Does anyone have any tips on how I can handle this.

I am finding it very difficult to cope as I recently lost my husband. The children are there but I feel totally lost. 
Not sure how I can get a positive mindset.

thank you 

  • Hi again  and welcome to this corner of the Community. As I said in your first post I don’t have AML but I was diagnosed back in 1999 with a rare, incurable but treatable type of NHL Stage 4a so although my Blood Cancer ‘type’ is different I know this journey rather well.

    Good to hear that you have been able to get new anti sickness meds from your team. It’s important not to suffer in silence as it often takes a few changes of anti sickness meds to find the best one for you. Try and aim to drink a minimum of 2 litres of water a day as this is the best tool to flush out the chemo toxins from your body.

    Let’s look for group members to pick up on your post and connect with you.

    For good information do check out Leukaemia Care UK who produce very good information and run various support platforms including their Buddy Scheme, they also have a Support Line on 08088 010 444

    Always around to help more or just to chat

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Sanskruti,

    I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. My dad was in your position 11 months ago and came to live with me as his house was dilapidated and falling around down his ears. He was on the same regime as you and the same age as you too. Definitely keep trying different antisickneas meds until you find the one for you and try to eat before the injections,or when you're least likely to feel sick. Drink plenty of water - try flavoured water at room temp if you're not a big fan of water. My dad likes the Pear and Plum from Tescos. Then it's all about keeping moving - gentle exercise - a walk in nature and the way to start with a positive mindset is to think about what you're grateful for. 

    I started dad on a positivity regime when he came to stay. We do audio hypnosis (both just done our installment of Attitude of Gratitude Wink) I used to read The Power to him every night and then we got it on audio book. It's all about focusing on what is going right at any one time and unfortunately our brains have been trained to focusMusclen negative things, because that's what the news reports on and it's what we read when we Google stuff. Look for the success stories and know you're just as capable of achieving them as anyone else MuscleHeart️

    Surround yourself with positive people - my dad used to be a real Victor Meldrew - but I hear him saying to people almost daily "what if everything goes right?"

    He went into remission after four cycles of azacitidine and Venetoclax and was due his SCT next week, but he had a bit of a longer chemo than originally planned so the AML has come back to a level where they can't proceed next week.

    We just picked up his new chemo - Xospata and the consultant hopes he'll be back in remission in a couple of months and then it's back to the SCT plan. 

    Take heart, you're very early days and it does get better Heart️

  • Thank you Jaheen. This has been very helpful and encouraging. I do try and remain positive but I certainly will have to join some group activities to keep my mind occupied.

    Hope SCT goes well for your Dad. Wish you both well

  • I was diagnosed with AML a year ago, although I am on Cybaritine and Venetoclax I also suffered terrible sickness.I found Ondansetrone worked for me after trying other anti sickness meds, however there are other meds that can be used so please make sure that if Ondansetrone  isnt working for you flag this up with either your CNS or specialist..In my experience the first few weeks on the Chemos were the worst, but with the correct meds things do get better, Wishing you well

  • Hello IloveNY, Thank you for the information. Indeed ondansetron did work for me. After that I felt less panicky but I was very weak and shaky. Once I started keeping the food down it was better. But I am sure you have probably experienced that food just has no taste. 
    Thank you and hope your treatment is going well.