Early menopause after Auto SCT

  • 18 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hello, has any lady here been hit wit a premature menopause (I am 43, so a few years too early)? Having horrible hot-flashes (which is really a questionable term, as its more hot soaks lasting up to 10 minutes), followed by cold sweats and freezing. Terrible insomnia as well. I am now 4 months post-SCT, no period for the same time. My doctor warned of this, and unfortunately, it has happened. I doubt I can try hormonal therapy, as I have had pulmonary embolisms as a side effect of chemo, and have had a DVT, as well. I am going back to see my doctor in November and discuss possible solutions, but just feel so depressed and upset by this thing, looking for some shared experience. I was checking the breast cancer and ovarian cancer sites, as some women have also gone there into early menopause, but their treatments and conditions allow for more options. Any advice please? Thank you,


  • Hi M, now I can't help with the Menopause:)...... but I can relate to the drenching sweats going to being so cold. In my case it was an infection:(....... do you regularly check your temprature ?

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi M,

    Sorry, another man so I really shouldn't be replying, but I just wanted to say I had problems with hormonal imbalances post transplant. I got gynecomastia (sometimes unaffectionately called man boobs) - I also had problems regulating temperature. My doctors advised a wait and see approach and about a year post transplant things started to settle - not quite back to normal but definitely better than it was - I was told sometimes the body just needs time to sort itself out again after what it has been through - hope you find the same.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander

    Yup, no fever. That's good at least :)

  • Hi M, 

    Yes, unfortunately this can happen; there might be herbal ideas that your doctor could talk you through as you aren’t sure whether HRT is sensible. Hot flushes, memory problems, mood problems, all tend to point to menopause.

    Daughter thought she was going into this aged around 28, but her periods did begin again, but after her allo (aged about 32) she did go into permanent menopause, it took a while to get the right HRT that agreed with her, but she’s ok on that now.

    Hope your GP can suggest something to help. Think black cohosh (sp?) has been mentioned 

    Hugs xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to greg777

    Thanks Greg, 

    I think there is something in that, too, although this looks like menopause with other symptoms as well. I had experienced water imbalance, where my legs for no good reason started to swell around my ankles all the time. I thought that I had never had better legs in my life: they were darkened from thiotepa chemo (like a nice bronze tan) and slightly swollen so not too skinny :) And doctor advised the same approach like yours: wait and see until the body resettles itself. Now its almost gone. Including the good looks :(


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Thank you moomy, I will look into it. I have read your other posts, as they popped when I was searching for menopause. I hope that your daughter is staying healthy. Poor girl, so young to have suffered so much.

    Warm regards to all reading and responding,


  • FormerMember


    I’m a SCT recipient from 2016 for aml. I’ve been premenopausal since but was on tricyclen to stop going into menopause. Now I’ve had to stop taking the tricyclen so I’m starting to get all the symptoms of menopause. I’m 44 years old. I’m getting hot flashes, headaches and not sleeping well so far. I am also dealing with peripheral nerve damage and stroke warnings my body is giving. Not how I expected to spend my 40’s. I’m going to a naturopath right now to try and find a solution for the peripheral nerve damage. Just some relief from that would be nice but this menopause thing is starting to get uncomfortable so I’ll be looking for solutions for that as well. Sorry I don’t have any advice since this is the start of it for me but I feel for you. 


  • Hello and welcome though sad you’ve needed to post!

    HRT should help protect your bones, especially necessary if you go into menopause that young, and a super-healthy diet too should help. I’ve heard that vitamin B12 can help with neuropathy, might be worth thinking about? 

    Hugs xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Hello. I haven't much to add. At 66 I still get the odd hot flush which isn't uncommon amongst my age group. I believe it can be related to liver health especially too much sugar. 

    I worked with a naturopath for IBS which I found helpful. But I lost trust when she gave me a herbal preparation that disagreed with me. It was supposed to clear a bad cold but gave me heart arrhythmia and panic attacks.

    So please clear any supplements or infusions with your clinical team.


  • Hi and welcome but as I have not got a scobbydo about this I best keep out but the wonderful ladies on the forum will be a great help.

    Highlander ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge