Early menopause after Auto SCT

  • 18 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hello, has any lady here been hit wit a premature menopause (I am 43, so a few years too early)? Having horrible hot-flashes (which is really a questionable term, as its more hot soaks lasting up to 10 minutes), followed by cold sweats and freezing. Terrible insomnia as well. I am now 4 months post-SCT, no period for the same time. My doctor warned of this, and unfortunately, it has happened. I doubt I can try hormonal therapy, as I have had pulmonary embolisms as a side effect of chemo, and have had a DVT, as well. I am going back to see my doctor in November and discuss possible solutions, but just feel so depressed and upset by this thing, looking for some shared experience. I was checking the breast cancer and ovarian cancer sites, as some women have also gone there into early menopause, but their treatments and conditions allow for more options. Any advice please? Thank you,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Hi moomy

    I just started b12 shots with my naturopath, fish oils with a high concentration of dha and phoshatidyl choline which should also help with the menopause symptoms. I started about 10 days ago and should notice improvement for the nerve damage in a couple more weeks although I’m already noticing improvement in my feet. I can get up and not limp which hasn’t happened for years now. I’m starting to feel more normal even though I’m a mess right now from leg and arm spasms that sprained my muscles. I have a lot of issues to resolve before I would consider hrt and my doctors agree at this point that waiting is a good idea. I have to get testing done to see if I have any blood clots or blockages that would cause a stroke. I’ve had to stop working until I get these things under control. I’m having more bad days than good days at the moment but I expect that change soon. I highly recommend seeing a naturopath to anyone struggling with nerve damage. It took me to long to go and see my naturopath as I was severely depressed and I didn’t even know that I had nerve damage until a year after the transplant. I don’t think I was communicating very well with my doctors. Or anyone else for that matter. Depression during and after cancer treatment can really hold you down. I’ve come out of that finally now after 3 years and I’m making better decisions. Thankyou for caring it helps. J

  • FormerMember

    Hi M!

    I wouldn't count out hormone therapy so quickly. Maybe in a few months if your body hasn't gone back to normal, ask your doctor about it. I thought I was going through menopause before I was diagnosed, but now that I look back, the hot flashes and other miseries might have been the AML kicking in. 

    Through chemo, no periods, of course. Since SCT I had something sort of like a period but not really. Hot flashes when the weather is warm. So is that menopause?  Or just no periods because I'm underweight now?

    I was thinking that once I'm not on so many SCT meds, I might look into some kind of dietary supplement to increase estrogen. To see if that relieves the hot flashes.

    Ug. Sometimes it stinks to be a girl!

  • FormerMember

    Hi M, 

    Yes I have been hit with early medical menopause post transplant. Although I had an auto stem cell transplant 9 months ago, I have total body irradiation which has put me into early menopause. I am waiting to see the endocrine department soon and presume I will be put on HRT. I get hot flushes, get all sweaty and feel like someone has lit a bonfire beneath me. I take black cohosh which is said to help. I have huge problems sleeping and I am so depressed about going through this early menopause. I am 32 and the egg freezing process prior to the transplant failed, so I cannot have my own children. This is devastating to me. If i am honest, it is the thing I am struggling with most about this whole process. 

    I can relate to what you are going through and it is awful. I would ask your team about the HRT sooner rather than later. I am receiving some counselling and I want to look into more focused fertility counselling too. Is this something you have considered?


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello all, and sorry for not being here since last year. Life just got in way, i got a new job, we moved apartments etc

     Thank you all for replies and support; even this late i find it comforting. 
    after many trials with acupuncture or different antidepressants (none worked), black cohosh (worked great for a month or 2), they have put me on gabapentin which is an epilepsy medication. I have not had many noticeable side-effect although i hear it can be addictive. My hot-flashes have improved with it like 70% less and are less discomfortable. The medication is not for everybody.  
    They still tell me no HRT but so far i can manage with this. 
    perhaps they have it in UK for those who cannot do HRT? 
    hope that everybody is doing great and January is just a breeze. 
    warm regards,M

  • Hi Greg,

    Sorry to take you back so long but I seem to have a similat issue with gynecomastia. The docs do not seem concerned and I have put up with it for a few months now. No real pain just a bit sore / tender on both sides.  I assume an effect of the high dose chemo but was you given anything (hormones?!) to help and how long did it last? 



  • Hi Mike,

    Very happy to try and help. It is a while ago now and my memory is very hazy. I think it lasted for a few months if I remember correctly. Like you, the doctors were not overly concerned. Looking back, whilst I am by far not a medical expert, I am fairly certain it was connected to a hormone imbalance, and more specifically a lack of testosterone (I had other evidence of a lack of that) - which specific treatment caused it, I am not too sure, but once the hormones sorted themselves out, the gynecomastia also sorted itself out. I didn’t end up having any treatment, I just decided to wait and see if it sorted itself out and it eventually did. I am really hoping you will find the same Mike.


  • Thanks Greg...appreciate your time to answer. Always a bit disconcerting when things are not as they should be in this post SCT period. I am pretty sure it hormones being mucked about with by the high dose chemo. Will try not to prod and poke!

    All the best,  Mike

  • I’m definitely feeling for you Mike, I remember being disconcerted about it at the time as it is not something I was expecting to happen. I think the SCT process just reboots everything and your body can take some time to sort itself out again. I have said a few times on here that post SCT it felt like I was working my way through the alphabet of all known ailments known to mankind and it definitely feels disconcerting when you’re in the middle of it. For me, time was the best healer and I’m really hoping it’ll be the same for you too.
