Bone marrow biopsy every three months

  • 21 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi everyone, I know it's probably been written before but does everyone go and have biopsies every three months?

My partner has just been told he has to by his team and it's a bit stressful as it isn't anyone's favourite thing to happen so to hear he has to do it so regularly is a bit hard for him...

Anyway we had also been previously told it was just once a year so we're a bit confused at the change? We will speak to the doctors next week, I just wanted to know if everyone else had three month biopsies? 


  • Good afternoon, 

    It does depend on the type of cancer you have as to how frequently you need to have a bone marrow biopsy. I was informed that I will need to have them every 3 months and then after 2 years post transplant they hope it will be yearly. I know what you mean about it being stressful and I do find that I struggle to sleep the night before as I know what's coming. I would recommend asking for gas and air. I found taking some deep breaths of this whilst they numbed the area (6 needles going in isn't fun) worked for me and then after that I couldn't feel anything but the motion. I also spoke to the nurse and Dr prior to them starting explaining that talking to them about random stuff whilst they do it would help me as I need to be distracted. You could also ask if they would be okay to you listening to music if this would help. 

    I have had 7 different Doctor's do my bone marrow biopsies (had 2 prior to treatment and 1 before stem cell transplant then 5 since) and each one has been great. They listened to me and each took the time to check I was okay before, during and after the procedure even though they could see from my records that I've had multiple. 

    Hope that your partner gets to talk to the Dr doing the procedure and explains how they feel. You might even be allowed to go in with him if necessary. Hopefully the amount of months between biopsies will increase for your partner quickly. 

    Hope their next one goes well.