Hi everyone , I had a Stem Cell Transplant early April this year and as expected have lost most of my hair I had conditioning treatment of cyclophosphamide for harvest in March and lost 50%my hair and conditioning treatment of high dose Melphan prior to my Transplant ( Auto) in Early April .I still have a very light coverage of hair bur don't seem to be loosing too much more .
I'm happy to say I'm recovering well at home but wondering when I will start to see some new hair growth again ?
Bestvwishes to all
Hi Sue Cakie ....... Melphalan is one of the strongest chemos out there so your body takes some hit and can take time to recover including your hair. But as you see hair growth can be ever so different, as i said in your other post it took a good 9 months for my hair to recover after having my Melphalan ((hugs))
Hi. I was also wondering about hair regrowth . I am sct +31 and I haven't lost all my hair yet. I shaved it short before my treatments but I still have lots of spikes! I also still have my eyelashes and eyebrows. Will these fall out now or will I get to keep them?
I am recovering well and the healing power of home is strong.
Hi sunshine1 there is no real reason for your hair to fall out now as the chemical effects of your conditioning treatment is well out if your system by now.
What conditioning did you have?…… but people having the exact same conditioning can have totally different experiences ((hugs))
….. so this goes to show his different we react as I also had Melphalan and my hair was like snow on a warm day
Hi Sunshine 1 , glad to hear you are making a good recovery at home . I'm 73 days post transplant now and still had some hair up until about 10 days ago when I started to loose most of what was left Looking like a Dandy lion seed head at the moment! I'm not expecting to see any new hair growth at the moment as hair still falling every morning in the shower .
However best news is that my latest blood results were described as " normal " . I hope you continue to make good progress , home is certainly a good healing place .
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