Stem cell transplant

  • 31 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hi ,I've found this group via the Myeloma group

 I have Myeloma and am about to start the 4th cycle of Dara VTD treatment. Talk today at the hospital review was of Stem cell transplant .I have decided to go for a Stem cell harvest but cannot decide yet if I want to go for the Stem cell transplant . For me its a huge decision to make ,I know its my choice and I am listening to all the advice given to me by the hospital team Any advice would be welcome .How have people managed the transplant ? Effects on family members etc .. 

  • Hi Cakie…. Well done you! I so glad you are recovering. Those other things like appetite and strength will come back in time. Try to keep moving as much as you can. I wish you all the very best  x