Post transplant story

  • 18 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hello everyone, 

I had a stem cell transplant on April 1st 2021, I was given a lot of advice and reassurance from this group. The transplant while not a walk in the park wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined it would be. I had super care and even though treated during Covid I had no worries. I was discharged after 12 days and I have continued to do well. I am walking between 3 - 5 miles a day with my lovely dog, I can't wait to be able to start swimming again in August.

Now it's over I wonder why I was so worried and I want to say thank you for your advice and support. To reassure others that while it's scary before you start the process but although the treatment has its unpleasant moments it's all copable with and your imagination will be worse than the reality. I'm in remission and long may it last. 

Good luck to all those still having treatment my thoughts and prayers are with you xxx