Going in for transplant

  • 18 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi there, 

My dad goes In tomorrow for his SCT, it’s been a long road up to this and the worst is yet to come. I’m feeling terrified for him but not showing it. 

I wondered what advice anyone has on what extra reminders/encouragement can we give him to take? Photos? Inspirational quotes? I have no idea and we won’t see him for 4-6 weeks . 

any advice would be welcome. 


  • Hi Mike, 

    I wondered if I could trouble you and ask the likely timeline of events with the SCT. Is a week’s conditioning or more before the transplant? Apologies, I know it may be depending on many factors but wondered if there’s a general approach. 

    I hope you’re keeping well . 


  • Hi, , it is about a week, depending on the routine they use. Daughter had Fludarabine for a couple of days and was allowed out for a few hours each day, we took her out for lunch at a tried and tested favourite restaurant, then they added Campath to the mix and it got more tricky but I think we still managed a lunch out. Then it was the dreaded Melphalan (see the thread about ice!) 

    hope all goes smoothly for you

    hugs xxx


  • I do to actually know the timeline for FB2 conditioning so a question for his team. I had two weeks conditioning for my first Allo SCT but this included two weeks radiotherapy but my conditioning for my second Allo was one week.

    Each conditioning protocol will have its own timeline, the one thing for sure is when he gets his Stem Cells it rather an anticlimax, it’s just like getting a transfusion Smirk

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you both for responding. I’ll ask his team when we get the chance. Listening to the consultant, it doesn’t seem likely he’ll be going anywhere , not even visitors due to Covid but even if Covid rules change there will be no visiting. He’s still very weak at the moment so I’m assuming that’s the trajectory for a while. Thanks again 


  • Hi Learning21

    i had reduced intensity conditioning over 7 days,2 days of Campath and Fludarabine,followed by another 3 days of Fludarabine and then a day of Melphalan then a day off before the transplant.I tried to sleep most of the time in between infusions and then lots of sleep after having my new bone marrow. I had my 62nd birthday just before transplant day can’t say I remember much of it. It was a tough time but the end results have been good for me so far. That was just under two years ago. I hope your dad has a smooth journey x

  • Hi Mark, 

    thanks for the insight. He’s away in today and i understand tomorrow he starts a tablet and the chemo on Friday , not sure what they are yet. Once he’s settled in ( if that’s even what we can call this) we can ask his team what to expect. I’m trying not to think beyond each day because it terrifies me what he’s going to go through and I just don’t think there’s any preparing the mind for it. He is the same age as you so I’m delighted to hear another success story. ( the doctor was very blunt with the changes of success) - I’m sure he’ll find his ways to cope in the coming months. Are you back to feeling normal, or at least a new normal .  Could you return to work? I know he’s worried about that. 


  • Hi Learning21

    I would say I feel almost as I did pre diagnosis. Physically I am well,I ran 4 miles this morning,but I do get tired more easily, strangely from talking and meeting other people and my concentration isn’t as it was.I am also very emotional and certain things can start me crying. But apparently this is the new normal.I do hope to go back to work at some point and probably would have last autumn but my doctors advised against it due to the pandemic.

  • Wow- I struggle to run 4 miles myself ! Well done , that is pretty incredible and I’m delighted to hear such positive outcomes. Thank you again for taking the time to respond to me, no doubt I’ll be back with more questions.... best wishes 
