Wife headed for SCT

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  • 12 subscribers

So, my lovely wife is headed for a SCT hopefully in about a month. She has AML with FLT3 mutation and has leukemia cutis. The cutis reared its ugly head just as she was about to begin her consolidation treatments. So that got cancelled altogether and they started her on Xospata to target the FLT3 in her skin. So far the cutis has almost completely faded and we are now talking with the transplant team.

We have been blessed with her brother being a match! No waiting for a donor search! YAY!

Now, we just have to pray the transplant takes. I know there can be lots of complications and I am nervous that she will be home with no immune system in the middle of a pandemic. I dread going back to work and risking bringing something home with me. Overall though, I think we have been lucky considering what she is dealing with. I can’t wait to get her better and to be able to offer support and hope to others facing this dreadful disease. 

  • I just saw this phone helpline number to Blood Cancer UK too, if you feel talking through stuff on the phone might help? It’s 0808 2080 888

    and, to be honest, it’s most likely as traumatic for you as her carer, and sadly you will remember more of that than she will, as the patient some of the worst stuff gets blocked out by our brains. 

    So talking stuff through will help you too, hopefully the hospital will have access for you both to psych-onc staff to help with counselling. 

    Hugs for you both xxx


  • Hi Moomy, that is so true. I know the SCT wasn't nice but even only after 4 months all the nasty memories are a bit fuzzy at the edges! I remember my wife saying she would never go through childbrith again.... immediately after giving birth for the first time.... you soon forget!!


  • Hi , hope things are at least stable, if not on a gentle curve upwards? 
    Sending hugs to you both xxx
