Checking up on everyone

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  • 15 subscribers

Hi everyone. Just a shout out to see how everyone is. I managed to speak to my doctor on Friday and she has prescribed new antidepressants and sleeping tablets. The sleeping tablets don't seem to be having any effect and it's too early to know if the antidepressants will make a difference. I seem to wake up at 4.30 every morning. I finally got up at 7am. I, like everyone else, have so much going through my mind at the moment. I've been getting bad headaches and my sight seems to be getting worse. Anyway enough about me. I hope this finds you all as well as can be expected. Take care and stay safe. X

  • Hi , good to hear from you and I am doing great thank you and now into my 4th week in lockdown mode.

    Give the Meds time as this is only Wednesday.

    Sleep is a mystery to me also and my normal time to be awake is about 2am but this is handy as you can check to see if there are any food delivery slots been put up by the supermarkets night shift.

    Headaches and sight troubles can often be associated with stress - what are you doing to slow down and focus... away from Stem Cell Transplant and everything that is going on around us?

    My day always starts at 7am....breakfast, shower and check the Community..... then (I actually shared this on another post a few moments ago) at about 10am I sit with a cup of coffee in my office chair and follow these words I read in a book 

    “I pause to be still; to breathe slowly; to re-centre my scattered senses upon the good that is available”

    That moment helps to turn any noise that is going on around in my head way down and sets me up for the rest of the day.

    These are challenging times for a post SCT patient and we have an ongoing discussion on another thread about the challenges the virus has brought along (link)

    ((hugs)) from a say distance.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Jaffacake1

    We are hanging in there and trying to create a routine in isolation. My husband had AML and is 6 year post SCT. I was the one affected by depression and am still on antidepressants even now. I found the return to normal life very difficult to the point I would be physically sick leaving the house. I hope that is not going to happen again after 12 weeks of confinement.

    We are both sleeping very well, perhaps too long. The problem we are both having is on first waking when we both feel overwhelmed by a feeling of impending doom.

    Keep on keeping on and stay well.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Thehighlander


    I have been avoiding the news where possible. I have just started a jigsaw puzzle.  I turn tv off so I can focus. To make me laugh and smile at least once a day, I have been watching the Norman Wisdom collection. Have watched 4 dvds and am watching 1 a day to cheer me up. Am waiting for a phone call from the nurse re my vaccinations. I should have the 2nd lot tomorrow but I  am not sure this will go ahead. I'll keep checking in as reading through ghese messages is helping.

    Hugs x

  • It’s hard to stay positive with all the virus news going on, so we try to have challenges each day and keep news to an absolute minimum! (It’s all bad, anyway!) 

    antidepressants take a good 2 weeks for any start of benefit to emerge, so stick with it, ! 

    hugs xxx


  • Hi Jaffacake,  difficult times and frustrating when other people don't take it seriously. I too wake up early about 5:30. It's lovely to get up and walk around the garden when there is no one else around. I get jittery when the neighbours are out so come in doors. However when I think back to being in the room for 4 weeks at a time, with no visitors not able to cook or go outside I am grateful to be able to get out even for a short period. The poor dog isn't getting her walk so we pretend and walk around the front garden on a leash and then she gets to run in the back part. Try not to watch too much TV or think too much about others but ensure your family are ok.  Try to do some yoga or meditation, there are apps online and youtube.

    Hope things improve soon

    jackie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Jackie A2

    Hi Jackie. Thanks for replying.

    I have done meditation before and learning to switch off all electrical and not look at my phone after 9pm to try and relax as I go to bed.

    I too am fortunate enough to have a garden where I can go. I'm limited to exercise as I have central nerve damage. I was in critical care after my stem cell treatment for 3.5 weeks and to relearn to walk, talk etc.

    Hopefully things will return to normal sooner rather than later and I can walk to the corner shop again. 

    Take care and stay safe 

    Jane x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to moomy

    Hi Moomy long time since we spoke, how are you and your Daughter well i hope, how depressing for SCT or any blood cancer sufferers with whats happening to our communities. The only thing good at the moment is the weather, very tough if you haven't got a garden though. I am at a loss to know what to do with myself I have cleaned the house from top to bottom done tons of washing. My wife is in Hospital at the moment it is real torture not to be able to visit as she has been quite poorly. The transplant went fine for 4 months then had problems with her bowels she eat next to nothing for 4 weeks doctors put her on steriods that caused weakness in her legs so then had problems walking. So enough about doom and gloom stay calm this lock down it won't last for ever although it might seem like it.

    Anthony C

  • Hi guys. 
    It is hard at the moment especially with the amount of warnings we are given to remind us we are at a very high risk. I try not to watch the news anymore than once a day and even then sometimes not even that. The daily bombardment of facts, figures and sometimes mis-facts can certainly play on your mind. 
    I was put on furlough last week so the house and garden are getting a good make over. I’m also not completely locking myself away but rather just avoiding people outside the household when I’m out walking the dog or going for a run, if I later regret that only time will tell. 
    The upside of all this is we are definitely spending more time with our families and making the most of this beautiful weather. BBQ and a few beers later so I’m not complaining. 
    Stay safe.


  • Hi all, 

    Daughter has been in lockdown since she realised it was about to happen, so probably a week before us....We've now done 3 weeks. She got her NHS text very early, to be honest, but found it very hard to get supplies, they were rationing themselves for loo roll pieces! 

    But she was pleased to get the emergency supply from the Govt, it helped enormously, and now things are a bit easier though an Asda delivery truck broke down with their load so they missed one slot. 

    I guess all we can do is try hard to stay safe, I've got a bit OCD with deliveries, they get unpacked then I wash, clear up and wash again, then wash the floor where they were to be unpacked! Then wash hands again! Hand cream is needed!

    Hugs xxx


  • Hi everyone. 

    These are very strange times and I think I am worried more about corona virus than I was about having AML and having a transplant.

    I can accept I may still die of Leukaemia even though I am doing quite well at the moment,but the thought of getting this virus fills me with dread. I try not to watch the news ,just listen to some of Radio 4 news morning and evening. 

    Despite the letter advising not even to go out I am exercising every day ,I am lucky to be close to some lovely  quiet footpaths.

    Still having blood tests weekly in my local hospital,which has basically isolated the day unit so I feel quite safe. I dont intend going to Cardiff 70 miles away where I was treated unless something nasty turns up.

    Stay safe everyone xx