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On Wednesday I woke up in a lot of pain in my upper stomach and side, took myself along to yj6 cancer assessunit at my hospital a d a  ultrasound showed an inflammation of the gallbladder and some minor gallstones! Was taken to Edinburgh Royal Inand then to MRI which showed gallstones, sludge and what looked like 2 tiny stones in the common bile duct so the surgeons liased with the haem-team and decided that as I was so septic, the organ had to come out. Woke up after the surgery yesterday to a wound four times the size i thought it would be and a drain in the side. Turns out my infection was so bad the gallbladder was beginning to disintegrate a d the two stones in my CBD was actually one big one which nearly perforated the duct spreading that infection EVERYWHERE.

You feel the slightest bit off no matter how vague your symptoms seem, you go to your doctor folks!