Im scared about husbands hospital discharge

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  • 11 subscribers

My husband had donor SCT 13 days ago, and Doctors are saying he could possibly be discharged within 4 days. He has been having TPN for last 7 days, he has syringe driver with morphine and also needs oral morphine every 2-3 hours. He is telling nurses that he is tolerating diet and fluids, but I know he is flushing them down the toilet.  I have been there when he has tried to eat and drink and he cant put anything at all in his mouth due to the pain in his mouth . He is also needing IV antibiotics. I want my husband home as much as he wants to come home, but if he does come home with a pump etc for his TPN,  he will be telling medical staff that I will be able to cope, when I know I will not be able to. We live over an hour away from the hospital and it's not as if I can get him there quickly in a emergency.  Will I be able to tell doctors that if he is discharged without taking proper diet and fluids then I'm not prepared to be his primary carer ?

I don't want him to come home before he is medically fit , then have to go back into hospital as an emergency 

Please help if anyone else has had these concerns. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Wow! Kiss?! I was impressed with myself for surviving an Eagles concert 10 months after sct. Good job! I hope Gary just gets better and better.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Shopkin

    My husband has AITL lymphoma and had been in hospital for a couple of weeks and desperately wanted to come home. He would make out he was eating and drinking and could do more than he could I was shocked and very upset when the surgeons said he was medically fit and could come home.He has to sleep downstairs and the occupational therapist said I needed to buy a bed quickly -my husband told her we had a suitable bed which is not the case. Thank god the nurses said no! He was unable to do much for himself cant walk more than 5 yards still. They offered him a care package and he said we didnt need it. He was only thinking of himself and expecting me to take up the slack. I was SO worried and upset and did not understand how they could send him home in that condition fortunately it takes quite a while to sort out a care package so he was slightly fitter when he came home he has been home a week and it was exhausting for me it has been a full time job and quite frankly the care is useless as they arrive at 11.00 am when ive done most of it. You really do have to get tough and stand up for yourself because its not good in the end for your husband. My husband has been home a week but has been constantly back to hospital for bood transfusions and chemo and is currently in hospital for an infection so i have had a bit of respite. Get as much support if possible from the medical team and have a very frank chat with your husband because he has to appreciate the affect it has on you. Fortunately the nurses on the ward where my husband was were as shocked as I was and the sister made sure everything is in place for his return home. my husband when he returned home also expected the same sort of care that the nurses had been giving him ie bed baths etc so the enablement team have been encouraging to do his own washing. I leave some jobs for them to do so there is something for them at 11.00 am. i suppose telling all of this story is too say that even though your Husband is very sick and probably very fed up he has to be realistic and its really hard for them but he is learning not to FIB about how he is and to ADMITT to his needs because it is not what he is used to-men do not like admitting to these things as they see them as weaknesses so you are right to be concerned and right to stand up for your mental and physical health also. A very difficult time and I wish you all the best I hope my comments herlp in some way. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you.   X