SCT Late May

  • 50 replies
  • 14 subscribers

Good morning all

My date has finally arrived ! I am going into UHW Cardiff on the 15 th of May for my stem cell transplant.

I have a 12/12 match donor from the USA . I will be having reduced intensity chem due to my age ,62nd birthday 18th May.

I am in complete remission ,feeling great at the moment so lets hope this helps on I know could be a rocky road.


  • I think daughter began using it when she was stuck in, so a few days into the chemo, around as she began Campath, but a good couple of days before Melphalan. Her main problem was not icing as much as she did for her auto, and then having throat rather than mouth problems, as she put it, she felt hungry then on the first mouthful the throat knives came out! 

    Hugs xxx


  • Its amazing how different all our experiences are and what differing advice we receive. Exeter had not heard of sucking on ice until I mentioned it courtesy of you guys and it worked a treat for me with not one sore in my mouth or throat. They now have it in their protocol and recommend it to patients, I feel like a trail blazer in sleepy Devon. I started using Defflam shortly after going in and used it after every meal and just before bed. When the bottle had gone and I’d still had no issues they said I could stop which I was happy with as I was sick of the taste of it. 


    Mark x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to markyflem

    Something so simple as iced lollies can result in weeks less pain, getting up to strength faster etc. Why not do anything possible?

  • Morning Mark,

    I am assuming you were admitted yesterday for a start this morning - good luck, I hope all goes well! And a big Happy Birthday for in a couple of days!

    Best wishes


    HopefulMummy123 x

  • Good morning everyone !

    I had my transplant mid afternoon yesterday . It was 3 bags of bone marrow not stem cells which apparently is less common nowadays. Because my blood group is O and my donor is A I had to have four days of plasma exchange which has battered me somwhat. 

    Thankfully the transplant went smoothly with no reactions and I feel quite well today. I have been using the Caphasol mouthwash since the day before Malphalam and touch wood no mouth sores so far . Later on today I will have afeeding tube inserted just in case .


  • Great update Mark and not having had plasma exchange I can only imagine - now the waiting starts and let’s look for your mouth to not pick up any issues.

    Rest up and take this time to recover.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Happy Re-Birthday, Mark, hope things go well from now on, a plasma exchange is interesting, things have moved on since daughter had her allo, then? (She went from O Rh- to A Rh+ but it took a long time for her blood group to finally change.)

    hugs xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to parkrun mark

    Hello Mark,

    first off, well done, I believe that I am heading in the same direction as you, but I'm told I'm having my own bone marrow put back, not to sure how that will go but I've got my fingers X'd.

    Hope it all goes well and no mouth sores, they're dreadful.

  • Good morning everyone.

    Just a little update , this morning my counts are rising neutrophils 0.4 ! They are talking of maybe home at the weekend .

    Its been very hard but so far I think I have come off lightly, no mouth ulcers just a little sore where I swallow which may be NG tube 


  • So good to hear from you Mark. And what fantastic news! I bet you can't wait to get in your own bed and have 1/2 hour sleep in peace! 

    My NG hurt my throat too - and rubbed my nostril a lot, I was pleased to have it out!! I used Caphosol too and just had throat trouble, you will be home quicker the sooner you are able to swallow your tablets they told me.. so try not to rely on the NG for too long (as lovely as it is ;-) ) 

    Best wishes that this week continues to be as 'good' and that the weekend is here before you know it


    HopefulMummy123 x