
  • 21 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi Guys,

I just wanted to pop in and give you an update on my Nivolumab treatment as things have changed again and 
unfortunately it’s not good news for me. My latest scan has shown there is a new area at the top of my chest but also the other existing areas have stopped responding and are all now showing increased uptake so they’re confident my treatment is not working. They want to do another biopsy to make sure it’s still Hodgkin’s and not something different but we are all confident of what the results will be. They advised I could go straight to Allo transplant now but they think it would work best if they could reduce the amount of active disease so the hope is to gain remission with a different chemo I’ve not tried, ESHAP.

I’ve certainly heard of it and know it will probably put me on my arse but I need to do what I need to do. Downside though is my hair will fall out again  but the upside is I will save money at the barbers!! 
Seriously though if I don’t laugh I could just cry.  I’ve just had to go home and tell everyone it hasn’t worked again, it doesn’t get easier and they don’t deserve this.
Sorry it’s not great news guys but I’ve known for a few weeks things were not right so wasn’t shocked at all and just wanted to let you all know.

Seems unreal that I was running a half marathon only a few weeks ago and now I’m back to this.

Might plonk myself on the sofa with a few beers tonight.  The fight goes on my friends but the hill is getting steeper. 


Mark x