SCT Success Stories

  • 157 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Hi there,

I was diagnosed with classical HL in October 2016.  Had 2 cycles of ABVD and got a clear scan.  Had 4 further cycles of AVD - clear scan.  Less than a year later, 7cm 'mass' in my chest.  Lit up like a Christmas tree, as did a lymph node in my neck.  Had a large biopsy (around 3cm) of the mass in my chest and it came back negative for lymphoma (thank God right?!) but left us in limbo.  Further scan, lymph node in neck still lit up so this week i'll have that biopsied followed by another PET scan next week.  My dr says if I have relapsed, it with be GDP chemo for me plus SCT.

I guess I'm after success stories?  There might already be a success story link if someone can point me in that direction?  Has anyone had GDP?  What was it like?  I head your hair may not fall out.... is this true?  Is there anyone out there a few years down the line and living the life of their dreams.  

I've been handling this really well and taken advantage of this 'limbo' stage that we've been in for the last three months.... but now it is coming to an end with this new biopsy and scan... I'm getting really scared and starting to lose hope.

Any advice would be most welcome.



  • Bump for those going though SCT

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Bump for those embarking on a SCT.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Bump for those going on the SCT Rollercoaster 

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Guys, 

    I posted this on another forum but thought I would share it in this thread also. 

    Just wanted to post this to hopefully show anyone starting out on their stem cell journey that things can and do get better.
    I’m now a year out from my Allo and really starting to enjoy my life to the full again. Even though it was a tough time following my transplant in June I’ve slowly been getting myself back fit again enjoying my running and now getting into early morning bike rides.
    I’ve been back working without any issues since December and really feel positive about the future no matter what it holds.
    So yes, for anyone starting out on their journey, hang in there, things will get better.
    Have a great day guys. Heart️



  • Hi Mark so glad your doing well, it takes time but glad you’ve got there. I’m almost three years in remission, doing Zumba again 3 times a week and playing golf 6 times a week. I was devastated when I lost my energy after stem cell but I’m as fit as I was before all treatment. It’s not been an easy ride but worth it. Best wishes for the future


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to markyflem

    Dear Mark

    After nearly 5 years on “watch and wait” I’ve been told to plan for an Allo transplant this time next year. Although I knew it was coming it’s a sucker punch and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you posting about your positive outcome. I worry constantly about the outcome and the effect on my young children so the more positive stories I can focus on the better... I’m really pleased for you and hope you continue to go from strength strength.

    best wishes 


  • Hi Kate good to hear from you again but sorry to read things are progressing for you getting on the Allo rollercoaster.

    Always around to help out at any time ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi guys. 

    Thank you for your comments. This forum has been a constant source of comfort for me over the past couple of years and has helped me through my doubting periods. 

    Sue - Pleased to hear you too are doing well. I try to encourage everyone I know to exercise even if they’ve been on this journey or not. I really enjoy my running and have found it has given me an escape through out the past few years as well as probably helping save my life when things have got a little rough. The positive effect exercise has on the mind for anyone I think is of a huge benefit so well done to you. 

    Kate - Sorry you may need to go through this but rest assured you will be in good hands. I was very scared going into it even though I’d already had an Auto. I think the not knowing is the worst bit and although it has been tough, I would definitely do it all again if I need to. Just take each day as it comes, don’t set yourself unrealistic goals and never get down when your having a bad day or two as it’s all part of the rollercoaster as Mike calls it. 


  • Hi all,

    so great to hear from you Sue and to know how fit and well you are again! Keep it up!

    Kate, so sorry you’re getting on the roller coaster of an Allo, but hopefully will get off the other end in a full CR! And then get fit and well again.

    Mark, you’ve done incredibly well and I’m so pleased for you and your family! 

    Daughter is convinced (as are her specialists) that what kept her going and actually improved her lung capacity was her playing! (She’s a freelance trombonist and kept playing as much and as often as she could throughout all her treatments over the 10 years or so it took. In fact having a cardiac echo test prior to her allo they kept saying they couldn’t see heart for lung tissue!) 

    Keep on keeping on!

    Hugs xxx


  • Good morning everyone from a very sunny west Wales.

    I too have good news ,my consultant rang me yesterday to inform me that my latest biopsy shows I am still in remission and 100% donor.My immune system is growing ,CD4 level in the 500s which I believe is the lower end of normal

    .I am still having fortnightly blood tests as they are keeping an eye on the EBV virus which has showed off and on since Jan but it is falling and quite low.

    I am 13 months post transplant feeling great,I do have a few skin issues but I am off all medication except for creams to help my skin.

    This forum has been a great help throughout my journey so far with so many positive stories and helpful information. 

    I hope everyone else having to have a SCT has a smooth journey and good outcome x 
