SCT Success Stories

  • 157 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Hi there,

I was diagnosed with classical HL in October 2016.  Had 2 cycles of ABVD and got a clear scan.  Had 4 further cycles of AVD - clear scan.  Less than a year later, 7cm 'mass' in my chest.  Lit up like a Christmas tree, as did a lymph node in my neck.  Had a large biopsy (around 3cm) of the mass in my chest and it came back negative for lymphoma (thank God right?!) but left us in limbo.  Further scan, lymph node in neck still lit up so this week i'll have that biopsied followed by another PET scan next week.  My dr says if I have relapsed, it with be GDP chemo for me plus SCT.

I guess I'm after success stories?  There might already be a success story link if someone can point me in that direction?  Has anyone had GDP?  What was it like?  I head your hair may not fall out.... is this true?  Is there anyone out there a few years down the line and living the life of their dreams.  

I've been handling this really well and taken advantage of this 'limbo' stage that we've been in for the last three months.... but now it is coming to an end with this new biopsy and scan... I'm getting really scared and starting to lose hope.

Any advice would be most welcome.

