Life after a SCT - A Survivor's Guide

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Let's see if we can collect some helpful information and real life experience that we can signpost folks to after they have come home from their Stem Cell Transplant.

A couple of useful things I found were:

My Consultant told me that going through treatments like these was like doing a boxing match and a marathon every day over the months of treatments and this was done without any training.

Think doing the London Marathon without any training and you had to finish it as your life depended on it……. this is the journey you have been on so it most likely will take much longer than you would think to get back to some normality - it took me a good 2 years and I was 60 at the start of my recuperation.

Yes some folks bounce back quickly post treatment but more than often folks take a considerable amount of time to recover.  6 months is the average recovery time…… at 3 months post my second SCT I was just out of my wheelchair and able to do a few steps with my walking sticks…. I was not able to feed myself due to my bad Peripheral Neuropathy and even then I was not eating much……. Your body has been through far more then you imagine so be kind to yourself, give yourself a break as you are doing good and honestly this will pass.

My consultant also gave me this basic scale for classifying where I was on the recover journey.

50% = when in the hospital going through the transplant process.

60% = significant medical/physical issues that do not allow any physical activity apart from a shower and short walk and not able to prepaid food. Reliant of others for preparation of food.

70% = Significant medical/physical issues that do not allow any specific physical activity (not including a shower) but short walks and making a pot of soup. Will nap after the task.

80% = Physical issues that limits you to one activity per day. (not including shower) Able to prepare some food for a couple of people but most likely still taking a nap after activities.

90% = Some physical issues remaining (weak legs etc) but able to do a few tasks and may not be fully fit for permanent work but could do part time work. May have to .take a nap after doing tasks or work.

100% = No physical after effects and able to do multiple tasks including being back to work.

She also said on average the recovery is about 6 months with your recovery improving about 10% per month post SCT

A web page by the Anthony Nolan Trust - The First year post SCT (link)

A web document by Dr Peter Harvey - Life after Treatment (link)

  • The better news is that her hair loss is slowing, she’s away ‘on holiday’ but really ‘glamping’ in a deserted field, Nearby but socially distanced to her housemates mum and sister who have been tested and are negative. In fact the mum has had Covid way back in March and still has the cough, just had a chest X-ray. 

    I’m reassured that daughter is more relaxed and loving being away,  laughing more, and hopefully the stress of isolation is easing a bit purely by total change of environment with more freedom to run with the puppy! 

    Hugs xxx


  • Hi Moomy,

    Getting out and about is something that most of us missed so it’s nice to hear she is enjoying it. I think we all will now appreciate our freedom much more. Isolation has been a stressful time for most and I can imagine having a puppy cooped up at home all day is just as hard as having children. 

    Ive been back at work for a few weeks now and I’m quite enjoying getting out. My boss gave me the option to work from home but I said no I would much rather come into the office and although I know I’m taking a risk, it’s good for me mentally.  I’ve bought a bike so cycle into work 3 times a week which is a 22 mile round trip along the estuary which is beautiful and a fantastic way to start the day. 

    With regards to Covid, I was tested for anti-bodies a couple of weeks ago which showed I haven’t had it in the past so I will keep having to using common sense when out and about. 
    Stay safe guys. 



  • Funnily enough, the lass has just got a few voice over jobs turn up, and because she always has her laptop and a decent mike with her, the campervan has a perfect acoustic to do them! 

    I think one has to take note of the psychological effect of being cooped up and all of you shielders have done so well. 

    Hugs xxx


  • Good that your daughter is now out and about. Its a very personal choice weather you want to go out or shield.

    good to hear you are back at work and getting some exercise in.

    I have been out and about and just using common sense. Been to the pub etc.. Looking to go abroad at the end of August which will involve a flight but will be wearing a mask and wont be licking my fingers!!! 

    Personally I have always just got on with things and so far so good.. if only that luck would extend to the lottery numbers lol!!

    Keep safe everyone whatever you are doing.


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  • Glad to hear you’re getting away Paul, we’ve decided to sit tight this year as I’ve not had any injections yet and we plan a big trip to the West coast of America next year so we will have that to look forward to. 
    I might be hitting the pub also a bit later as my beloved Leeds gained promotion back to the big boys league so today is all about celebrating. 
    Have a great weekend guys. 


  • Great to hear how everyone is getting on and great that there is ‘life’ post SCT.

    Mark, congratulations on the promotion of Leeds. My son in law is unfortunately a life long Villa fan so we don’t talk about football at the moment lol.

    I decided to do a project during lockdown.... mind you it has been on my to do list for years now and we are even getting the weather to enjoy it.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • A man of many talents Mike, looks fantastic. 

  • Oh no, please no football talk Mark, it is too upsetting!

    I am dreading tomorrow - the ample lady is clearing her throat!

    Seriously, well done, you guys deserve a run back in the big league.


  • Greg, 

    You might just need to ask her to sit back down. Fantastic result today for your boys but it doesn’t surprise me. We were very lucky to beat you and that’s the first team I’ve seen this year really take it to Leeds. 
    You’ve still got a chance. 
    Good luck. 

  • Thanks Mark, I am still coming down from that last minute goal to be honest! It’s very much like Barnsley to put their fans through the mill! I’m not holding out much hope for Wednesday night, there are too many other clubs that need to do us a favour and I don’t fancy our chances away at a club that will be doing everything to win. But it’s good that we live to fight another day! We are a good, young passing side but we just have nobody up front, been the same problem all season. We probably are at League One level but I must admit it would be quite nice to do the miraculous on Wednesday night!

    All the best
