so I guess this is just me saying hello and kind of introducing myself and also saying why I'm here and how it all seemed to happen,I'm also just going to use this forum just to get things of my chest as I don't really have people that I can talk to other than family who are great don't get me wrong but I just don't want them to be upset with it all, so here goes hopefully I won't bore anyone to much.
So I guess nobody really wants to to be here but we're all here for whatever reason and I guess this is mine.
so yesterday which was the 4th February 2025 I went to hospital for a colonoscopy and I'll be honest I didn't want to go and thought about not going so many times but I work at the hospital where my appointment was and I know lots of people just don't turn up for many appointments and well I didn't want to be one of those people so I made myself go but in my head I already new what was wrong but I managed to make myself believe what everyone I'd spoken to that had told me not to worry as bowel cancer was a rare illness and I had nothing to worry about so I'm there lay on a trolly with a doctor about to go in with a little camera which for some reason it felt like the size of a house but she was doing it for a reason so I just went with it and I have to say it was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting and I'm going to just guess as I really don't have any idea how long it took but it really wasn't a long time but I'm going to say a couple of minutes in she asked for another doctor to be bought in now I'm trying to not think of a reason why she'd want someone else to be in the room and I'm also trying so hard not to look at at the monitor that is right next to me and I'm sure anyone in the same position is going to just glance at that screen and just hope they don't see anything that looks abnormal so yes i m looked and there it was a weird looking thing that just looks abnormal kind of like like a few lumps of just strange looking bubbles which were covered in blood and I just knew that was the the problem that had been causing my to be seeing blood near enough everytime time id gone to the toilet, what the actual F*** was it and why was the doctor now saying that she didn't think she could carry on and why was someone else now right in front of me trying to take my mind of what happening by talking to me asking what seemed to be the most random questions about where in the hospital I work and what is it that I do, now obviously I know why she was asking but at this point I'm scared and I really don't care that they can see I'm scared because well I'm scared but it's happening and I do t even k ow what happens next as I just seemed to go blank and I'm being wheeled into recovery.
so I'm now getting dressed which took a while as I feel like I've had so much air put in my body and I'm struggling to do the most basic things but I did it and well yes I felt so happy that I've managed to dress myself and I'm now in a room waiting to speak to the doctor that had come in second.
now what feels like days have gone by (which was probably about 5mins) and in walks the doctor along with one of the nurses from recovery and another nurse who was on of the macmillan nurses and yep it was happening i was told they found a mass now obviously there not 100% sure what it actually is but they've classed it as cancer and my world fell apart in the space of about 20 seconds I don't really know what was said as I'd literally switched off I didn't know what was happening what was being said I didn't know anything I just couldn't think and if I'm honest I didn't want as I was gutted, now I don't ever worry about anything as it really doesn't change anything so what's the point but at that moment I was worrying and I was worrying a lot, so it's happened I've been told the news and I've somehow managed to get my head straight so I've gone home and the same day I received the next appointment who's is on Sunday for my CT thorax abdomen pelvis with contrast scan and I've just recieved an appointment for another scan on the same day but at a different hospital so fingers crossed they both give me good results.
hopefully if you're reading this you've not fell asleep
I just have to say that all the staff yesterday at wythenshawe hospital were absolutely amazing and the macmillan nurse who I think was called Helen (I may be very wrong but she did say when she told me her name that I'd forget so there you go) was probably one of the nicest people I've spoken to you made me feel so calm and I have no idea how you did that so if you do see this I really can't Thankyou enough.
right I'm going to go now.
Thankyou for reading if you have done.
Hi Sbee,
Firstly, sending kind thoughts to you. Your description of the colonoscopy resonates with me. I also understand the need to share the experience with others, rather than family. It is hard to talk about your feelings and fears with family as your natural instinct is to protect them.
The surreal feelings and disbelief are familiar to me. I had my colonoscopy about 10 days ago as a result of a screening test recall. I had sedation therefore I slept through most of it. When I was in the recovery ward, a nurse came to take my blood and I realised that nobody else had that procedure carried out. I knew that something was wrong.
When I was called into the room for a discussion, my husband was already in the room. Like you, I felt as if I was in another dimension. They explained that they had found a suspicious area and it was being sent for an urgent biopsy. They told me that I would need a CT scan. I underwent one this afternoon and I am grateful there was little delay.
Life since the colonoscopy has been a series of ups and downs. Many narratives have surged through my mind and it is indeed a lonely place despite the love and support of my family. I have been reassured by people on this forum that this waiting period is so difficult for all.
However, the support and encouragement here has helped me tremendously. There are many who are on this journey. All are at different stages and many have gone through and come out the other end.
Be kind to yourself as you process this. Take care. x
i didn't have the sedation as I wasn't to sure if I needed it so I just went with the gas and air but I'm not sure if it made any difference as it just felt and tasted like oxygen but the actual procedure was painless so maybe it was working as it should.
I have to agree with you about the colonoscopy mine was yesterDay and my mind is working overtime I'm literally crying so much and I'm just thinking the worse I don't seem to be able to stay positive but I'm just hoping that changes but I guess only time will tell.
i wish you nothing but the very best with everything.
Please know that you are not alone. I am retired but look after several of my young grandchildren. Looking after them has been a welcome distraction.
On other days, I have made sure I do at least one thing that I enjoy. Meet up with my sister, get out for a short walk and even a little gardening.
I listen to podcasts and relaxation music . It gives me something to focus on even if it is only for a short time.
I do believe others on the forum that say this waiting time is horrendous.
We are both dealing with a lot at the moment. We both want the answers and hope for the future. We will get through this. Sending love.
I know I'm not alone although think it's like brining alone hopefully that makes sense, I've not told any friends about what was found as I'm not sure if I want them to know as it will seem real and I don't want anyone to treat me differently I've only told my mum and dad who I live with but my sister and my niece who I also live with still don't know either as I just don't want to tell them, it sounds stupid but my head is all over the place at the moment,
I have to agree with you and everyone else about the waiting it's been two days and I can't focus on anything and everytime I switch my tv on there seems to be some reminding me of cancer, I went out for a walk this morning and just walked in one direction for an hour and it was absolute bliss it was a case of earphones in music on and world off, but I'm now home again and trying to find what foods are healthy to eat and I keep reading different things but I'm back at the hospital on Sunday so hopefully I can try and get some kind of diet advise, I'm also a type 1 diabetic so I need to make sure I'm eating the right foods.
i seem to keep on telling you so much when I reply I am sorry if I'm boring you.
Hi Sbee,
I feel just like you. You feel as if you are in a vacuum and wonder how you got there!
I don't think there is a single pathway as far as sharing anything with friends and family. You go with what feels right to you.
I have support but I am very aware that this news has rocked them. It hurts me to see how worried they are. I am usually the one who reassures them.
Glad that you got out even for a short while. I am up north and the weather isn't always kind but today was a beautiful winters day. It lifted my spirits even for a little while.
It's good that you are going to get some more information and advice at the hospital. That could be very helpful.
Sometimes it is easier to talk to someone outwith family and friends. Please don't worry. I am here and going through all this uncertainty just like you. You have also helped me. Sending love and kind thoughts.
Hi Sbee and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.
I’m Anne, one of the Community Champions here on the Online Community and I've had two cancer diagnoses over the last 8 years so have a pretty good idea how scared you're probably feeling right now.
The online community is divided into different support groups so I'm going to recommend that you join the bowel cancer group, as I'm assuming from what you've said that that is the type of cancer your consultant thinks you have. I'm sure you'll find it's a great place to ask questions, share experiences and get support.
To join, just click on the link I've created and, once you've joined, you can start a new post in the same way as you did here and join in with existing conversations by clicking on 'reply'.
If I'm wrong about the type of cancer that you have please let me know and I'll provide you with a link to the right group.
It would be great if you could put something about your diagnosis and tests to date into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.
Whatever cancer throws your way, we’re right there with you.
We’re here to provide physical, financial and emotional support.
© Macmillan Cancer Support 2025 © Macmillan Cancer Support, registered charity in England and Wales (261017), Scotland (SC039907) and the Isle of Man (604). Also operating in Northern Ireland. A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales company number 2400969. Isle of Man company number 4694F. Registered office: 3rd Floor, Bronze Building, The Forge, 105 Sumner Street, London, SE1 9HZ. VAT no: 668265007