Relative support

  • 1 reply
  • 32 subscribers

I was the only one in the family to know my sister had cancer. I have been there throughout her treatment and hopefully supported her.

Yesterday she was given the all clear :) obviously I’m over the moon yet I’m left feeling numb. I feel selfish in posting on here but wondered if anyone else felt this way. I think it could be down to having no one to talk to about it and off load my emotions maybe? 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    That's great to read that your sister has been given the all clear but I'm sorry to read that you're struggling.

    The online community is divided into different support groups so I'm going to recommend that you join the family and friends group, which is a great place to get support.

    To join, just click on the link I've created and, once you've joined, you can start a new post in the same way as you did here and join in with existing conversations by clicking on 'reply'.

    If you have any problems finding your way around I'll be pleased to help.

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