This is not my first time here but I guess I just wanted to get my thoughts down. Also, I have found it difficult to find any posts similar to my situation.
In around November 2023, after a new tattoo I noticed a mole on my back. I kind of forgot about it and in December 2024 I started feeling a 'crawling'type feeling on my back on the same side as the mole. I got my son to touch the mole and that is exactly where the crawly feeling was. It also tingles and I've noticed that sometimes after eating I feel a tingling sensation, almost like I'm feeding something.
I went to the GP who said that the mole has different colours in it so is referring me. I have an appointment on Wednesday but this is just for the photograph thing (sorry for the non-technical wording!).
The concern for me is when I looked through old photographs, it definitely ws not there in 2019, but it definitely was there in 2021, although it was a little smaller. However, pictures are not necessarily the best as the only one I could find was from a distance so I had to enlarge the image to see it.
I guess my biggest fear now is that if it is melanoma as suspected, how advanced would it be if I've left it for that many years. I am black, but fair skinned so I know it’s not necessarily as common in my ethnicity. I do have freckles on my face and I also now have a lot of very small freckles on my back and I'm guessing this larger one (around 5mm) may have started as a freckle looking mole. As it is on my back I cannot really see it so well, even with a handheld mirror so am relying on other people or photographs to see it.
I am absolutely terrified that I have allowed this thing to evolve and even though I only first noticed it in 2023, it has been growing over a number of years. I also know that the size on the skin is not indicative of what is happening underneath the skin.
The mole is flat and light and dry dark brown in places.
I guess I'm asking if anyone else has been through a similar situation and if so what was the outcome for you?
Hi NiaM and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.
I’m Anne, one of the Community Champions here on the Online Community and I went what you're going through 8 years ago so have an idea how scared you're probably feeling right now.
The online community is divided into different support groups so I'm going to recommend that you join us over in the melanoma group, which is a great place to ask questions, share experiences and get support.
To join, just click on the link I've created and, once you've joined, you can start a new post in the same way as you did here and join in with existing conversations by clicking on 'reply'.
It would be great if you could put something about your symptoms and proposed tests into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.
Hi Anne,
thank you for responding and signposting me to the correct areas. I will copy and paste there and also provide an update.
I had the telederm appointment today where they take photos. I was told a consultant would look at the images and I should hear back within 2 weeks. I got a letter today saying I need to go for an in person appointment but no diagnosis was put on the letter. I am actually freaking out right now and planning my exit. The mole has been on my back for a few years.
Sorry, I wasn’t meant to write all of that but I am so worried. I don’t know what I’ll tell my children if it’s the worst case scenario which is what I’m terrified it will be given how long it’s been there.
I hope you are well and thanks again for your response x
Hi NiaM
It's natural to be worried and expect the worst, we all do it.
no diagnosis was put on the letter.
It is too early for you to have a diagnosis yet. Having the photos taken is just the first stage.
The consultant has reviewed them and decided they need to take a closer look in person. When you go to the appointment they will probably use a hand held device called a dermatoscope to look more closely at your mole. This is effectively a magnifying glass.
If the consultant decides that the mole is just unusual they may advise just checking it regularly rather than removing it or they may arrange for you to go back in a few months to have it looked at again to see if it has changed.
If they think there's the slightest chance it could be melanoma then they will arrange an appointment for you to have it removed and sent off for biopsy. If this happens it doesn't necessarily mean that it's melanoma, only once it's examined at the pathology laboratories will you have a diagnosis. I've had two moles removed and my husband one and only one of them was a melanoma.
If you are told that you'll need a biopsy then I'm happy to answer any questions you have over in the melanoma group, where I can see you've now joined and posted.
When is your appointment with the consultant dermatologist?
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