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  • 33 subscribers

I can see what I assume are all my medical records from the GP via the app (although not impressed with the quality of the information tbh) but I can't see anything from the hospital eg x-rays, scans, discharge letters etc.  it says they use something called Patients Know Best but there is zero information.  Also had one discharge letter through the NHS "patient portal" but not everything.  Seems a bit all over the place.  Any help / advice appreciated.

  • Patients Know Best

    The information there depends on the input from your clinicians. If they don’t put your records in they won’t appear there. It’s not automatic. I have to ask for letters to be copied in from one trust and the other isn’t part of the scheme. Every time something g is added to patients know best you should receive an email link to access it 

    Can I ask about the quality of information you are concerned about? 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


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