Recent Diagnosis

  • 1 reply
  • 34 subscribers

Good morning,

last year my routine PSA came back as 6.1, the retest showed 5.8 and I naively hoped the drop was a positive sign. All DRE results were “that’s feels absolutely fine”, but I was sent for an MRI due to the PSA (sorry about all the acronyms). An anomaly was found and so biopsy followed. That confirmed a small but aggressive (Gleason 5+4) tumour. Subsequent CT and bone scans showed no obvious spread, so a positive in the negative. Unfortunately my paperwork was then misfiled, so I had to chase everything calling every number I could and it took a month and a half to get a consultation about treatment.

Just a note to everyone: always check your NHS app - I found all my results there before I got any calls or letters which gave me the indication to chase after the bone scan and find out why nothing was progressing as everything had been recoded!

Have decided on surgery and should have an appointment in the next 6-8 weeks. So things are progressing. I am weirdly ambivalent about surgery. It feels like the cleanest and most direct and “tidy” solution. Radiation feels too drawn out and exhausting in my mind. So I’m positive and happy to have a clear path ahead, but am also terrified of potential side effects.

I don’t think anyone can really help with that and it is my internal fight with my own negative imagination, but reading here has given me support already seeing other stories.

I’m not sure if this fits here, but due to contract issues my company has been struggling financially for over a year and that put massive strain on my marriage (a lot of history there). This has now put the cherry on the cake, and apart from some logistical support (taking notes at appointments so I don’t forget things and stuff like that) she has withdrawn every last scrap of emotional support. With no family close, I’m facing this pretty much alone. Has anyone out there been in a similar situation and found a good way to cope with it?

Sorry to end on such a bum note. Thanks for any feedback

  • Good Afternoon  

    A warm welcome to the Macmillan Online community, although I am so sorry to find you here. I am Brian one of the Community Champions here and also on my own Prostate Cancer journey.

    As you are aware the community is divided into cancer specific forums and I see you have already joined the Prostate forum. We are a decent group there and for your own support I would suggest you copy and paste this post in the "New Here - Say Hello" section on the group - you are assured of a very warm welcome and plenty of help and advice.

    I look forward to meeting you there.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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