Husband says he can catch cancer from me

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  • 34 subscribers

Differential diagnosis of high grade endometrial carcinoma of ambiguous histology involving the endocervical/isthmic region of the uterus or a HPV - independent cervical adenocarcinoma. Further imaging and discussion in SMDT required

so Ive had my Ct scan an MRI scan I have my appointment on 12th February 

my husband has completely distanced himself from me 

Ive never felt so alone an scared , he is saying he can catch cancer from me if we do any kind of sex 

saying its HPV my last smear came back negative ive never had HPV or bad cells Ive never had an sti 

im so confused Ive looked up so many things on google and yes its the worst place to try an get answers but my head is so messed up 

I carnt stop crying an all he wants do is go an have a drink 

if im honest ive been trying to leave him for ages now 

but since this cancer im not in work I have no income he owns the house me an my daughter are being outed by him 

more my daughter than me he doesn’t get on with her at all doesnt even try

this is probably the wrong place to be saying all this 

but has anyone else gone through this 

i dont no where to turn or who to speak to 

im feeling so low scared an confused 

  • Hi Tacky38 

    My heart goes out to you this is the last thing you need to be dealing with. 

    With regards to HPV my cancer although different to yours is HPV related. I spoke at length with my consultant about hpv and he said that if you have had sex you probably have hpv. For most people it lays dormant in your system causes no problems and isn't detectable by any current tests. For some people it becomes active and causes no problems and goes dormant again, for the unlucky ones it becomes active and can cause certain cancers. Your husband cannot catch cancer from you and probably has hpv already like the majority of the sexually active population.

    Forgive me if I'm speaking out of turn but you say you want to leave your husband, so for now I would forget about him and concentrate on you, your daughter and beating this cancer. Once you are better able to cope then deal with him. Could his behaviour be because he is scared for you ? Whatever his reasons though this is a time in your life where you need to be selfish and put you first. Sending hugs. Xx


    I totally agree with Bungle about the aetiology of HPV driven cancer. I’m another in the HPV club. I had throat cancer. Anybody sexually active can acquire HPV but most of us clear the infection and that’s the end of it. Sometimes the infection persists and a small percentage of that persistent infection can become cancer. The latent period ( the period between infection and disease) can be 40 years. The likelihood is that both of you had HPV including him. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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  • Differential diagnosis of high grade endometrial carcinoma of ambiguous histology involving the endocervical/isthmic region of the uterus or a HPV - independent cervical adenocarcinoma. Further imaging and discussion in SMDT required

    Actually it doesn’t say you have HPV cancer at all. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thankyou Bungle1 

    you havent spoke out of term at all

    maybe he is scared , but your right I do need to be selfish an think about me 

    I went to see my GP yesterday and she explained everything 

    sending hugs to you too xx

  • Hope talking to your doctor helped. X