Partner Diagnosed Triple Negative, Now What?

  • 1 reply
  • 33 subscribers

Hi everyone,

Today my partner was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer at 33 years old.

We kind of knew this was coming just from the way the consultants were acting during the tests, they were initially quite positive, but as the tests went along they became more serious.

We've been told by the nurses she will be having chemo followed by surgery and the timeline ahead of us looks to be about 9 months.

My question is - Does anyone have any tips? What do these next 9 months look like? How can I be best of help? Are there things we should be applying for to get support or financial support?

I completely understand everyone reacts differently, but I’d like to be as best prepared as possible.

Thank you!

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community, I hope you find it both useful and supportive.

    I am Steve one of our community champions here and my experience with cancer is via my wife who has Leiomyosarcoma so a different type of cancer to your wife.

    Our new to the community forum is used as a sort of landing page to help direct people to others who might have more direct experience to share. You might like to look at/add a post introducing you both to our Triple negative breast cancer forum  where there will be people at different stages and may be able to give you more direct information about the process they went through. 

    You might also like to drop a message in Ask a Financial Guide and/or Ask a Work Support Adviser for expert information on the financial side of things. Our local hospital gives a free parking pass for patients attending chemotherapy that was quite helpful - though parking at our local hospital is often a struggle 

    For you I might also recommend joining Family and friends forum and/or Carers only forum, 



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