Affects from radiotherapy

  • 2 replies
  • 33 subscribers

Hi I have had a lumpectomy and radiotherapy which I thought I was recovering well from but I have had a terrible reaction to the radiation and ended up with edema of the breast and horrendous itching . I have cream for underneath the breast but I’m worried the swelling will not go down as it’s been 10 days now and the pain is just awful , it’s making me so miserable . 

  • If you dont feel things are right then get in touch with your breast care nurse that is what they are there for to either see you in person or put your mind at rest. If i am uncertain i just ring them, we know our bodies better than anybody. Dont sit there in pain whe you might need extra help and they could give you a treatment plan. All the best x

  • Many thanks , I’ll contact her on monday.