Step by step...

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  • 32 subscribers

Bit of an update on my diagnosis story far.  Still difficult to process fully to be honest.

Pre-xmas (end November) had pains to right and left flank, but they faded after a couple of days so didn't take any action.

Reappeared during December so went to GP and they threw the book at it - blood work, x-ray etc.

X-ray showed sizable mass on chest so next up CT and PET.  Both done and confirmed there is a mass.

Met with the Respiratory Consultant and lungs given the all clear, hence urgently referred to Haematology (next day).  That was almost 2 weeks ago.

Following the day of the referral I was urgently admitted to hospital for both bone marrow and lymph nodes biopsies.  Both now done, and waiting for results, expected to be 2 weeks approx. possibly longer.

I remained in hospital until today, and have just been discharged / having been treated with steroids for 3 days.  And now we wait for the biopsy results....hoping once the biopsy results come back some sort of treatment can start but this is still very hard to process.

How similar is this to others experience?

  • Hi again Chris  good that progress is being made.

    I was diagnosed back in 1999 with my first type of rare T-Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoma….. then a second also rare type of T-Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoma appeared in 2013 so I know this journey rather well.

    There are a number of different types of blood cancers….. with Lymphoma alone having over 60 types…… so all the testing has to be done to find the exact type.

    We do have dedicated support groups for the various types of blood cancer but until you actually know your type…… you best stay on this discussion until you get your diagnosis as you will just get confused.

    Any questions just ask.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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